
Easy language dropdown-menus for your website or app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLangDropdown from '';



Short Description

An easy way to implement a dropdown-menu to react and update the content with the new language.

The library adds a custom hook to your client, that takes an language-object or json-file as argument. These need to have a certain structure to work with the dropdown-menu. It is strongly recommended to use this package together with the npx-languages-package.


Installing the package (inside the client-folder).

    npm i react-lang-dropdown

The package provides two function:


  • takes the default-language as argument {default: 'en'}
  • creates no dropdown-menu
  • changes the language automatic to the location or prefered language of the user
  • if the prefered language is not available, it presents the default-language (preset is english).

.useDropdown(languagesObject, {options})

  • takes an object of languages as mandatory argument
  • takes an optional options-object as second argument

  • default: sets the default language. Preset is english

    • "location" alternative setting, that sets the standard language to the user-location/prefered language.
  • naming: sets the way of presentation.

    • "default" presents the language in english-characters.
    • "native" presents the language in the native characters and language
    • "emoji" presents the language-choice in form of a flag (if available)

Example for the options-argument

The following example would set the dropdown list to have the users location langugae as standard and presents the language-choices in form of their native language. If the user would be located in Japan, the website should start in Japanese and present it with 日本語.

   const [language, LanguageDropdown] = languageDropdown.useDropdown(languages,  
      default: 'location', 
      naming: 'native'

The languages-parameter needs to be an object that has a bcp-47-standard as key and a language-object as value. The language-object should hold the name, nativename, bcp-47 and a flag-emoji.

        "emoji": "🇬🇧",
        "content": "{}",
        "bcp47": "en"

It is strongly recommended to use the "npx-languages" npm-package to provide the correct syntax and structure for this.

Code examples

In the App.js import the library and use it like a normal custom hook. It takes a

    import languageDropdown from 'react-lang-dropdown';
    import languages from './lang/languages.json';
    function App() {
      const [language, LanguageDropdown] = languageDropdown.useDropdown(languages);


    return (
    <div className="App">
        <LanguageDropdown />