
A React internationalization (i18n) helper with minimal footprint and ease of usage

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLanguageKit from '';


React Language Kit npm

A React internationalization (i18n) helper with minimal footprint and ease of usage

How to install

This module can be Installed via npm

npm i --save react-language-kit

How to use

The protagonist of this library is the LanguageProvider component. It sources the language settings to its component tree.
Once a provider is set, its children have access to the language settings through the useActiveLanguage and useAvailableLanguages hooks.

Their details are listed below.

The LanguageProvider component

A provider to be used as the root for the tree that will be aware of language changes.
This is also the place to declare the default language and available languages for that component tree. If no activeLanguage is initialized, it defaults to the first element of availableLanguages array.

  availableLanguages={['en-US', 'pt-BR']}
  <App />

The useActiveLanguage and useAvailableLanguages hooks

Hooks to access and change the language settings.
availableLanguages() returns an array of strings defining each language, along with a setter function in case this array should be changed on runtime.
activeLanguage() returns a string identifying the selected language - also along with a setter function.

Being a hook, it can only be directly used inside functional components.
A sample of its usage is shown below.

import React from 'react';
import { useActiveLanguage, useAvailableLanguages } from 'react-language-kit';

function App() {

  const [ language, setLanguage ] = useActiveLanguage();
  const [ availableLanguages, setAvailableLanguages ] = useAvailableLanguages();

  return (
      <p>The current language is {language} </p>

      <select value={language} onChange={e => setLanguage(}>
        { => (<option key={option} value={option}>{option}</option>))}

(the initial values returned are the same ones sourced as props to the LanguageProvider component)

How to prepare components with translations

Components that should be aware of language changes can use the useActiveLanguage hook to select the correct string resource file.
A possible resources file setup is shown below:

/* The objects can be either imported from a JSON or defined inline */
const ptStrings = require('./pt-BR.json');
const enStrings = {
  welcome: ({ name }) => `Hello, ${name}. This is a parameterized string.`,
  content: 'This is the content description'

// This is the map for this component
export default {
  'en-US': enStrings,
  'pt-BR': ptStrings,

Having this resources map in hand, a selection can be made using the language property returned from the hook as key.

Usage sample

The code below shows a way of settings up translation using React Language Kit

import React from 'react';
import LanguageProvider, { useActiveLanguage, useAvailableLanguages } from 'react-language-kit';

const i18nMap = {
  'en-US': {
    welcome: ({ name }) => `Welcome, ${name}!`,
    description: 'Currently using',
  'pt-BR': {
    welcome: ({ name }) => `Bem vindo, ${name}!`,
    description: 'Atualmente usando',

function App() {

  const [ language, setLanguage ] = useActiveLanguage();
  const [ availableLanguages, setAvailableLanguages ] = useAvailableLanguages();

  const strings = i18nMap[language];

  return (
      <p>{strings.welcome({ name: 'Mario' })}</p>
      <p>{strings.description}: {language} </p>

      <select value={language} onChange={e => setLanguage(}>
        { => (<option key={option} value={option}>{option}</option>))}

export default function BaseApp() {
  return (
      availableLanguages={['en-US', 'pt-BR']}
      <App />

Sample projects using React Language Kit

Material UI i18n is a boilerplate starter for i18n-aware SPAs using the Material-UI components library