React Lazy Paginated Tree
React tree-view component built for performance, customizability and large data sets. This library provides:
- A base theme built on top of material UI
- Flexible styling (provide a theme or override the default theme)
- The ability to plug in your own custom components
- Lazy loading (i.e. load children when expanding a node)
- Pagination for long lists of child nodes
- Animations when expanding and collapsing nodes
- The ability to override default methods for expanding/collapsing/selecting nodes
- Keyboard accessibility

npm install react-lazy-paginated-tree --save
Running the Example project
The /example
project can be used as a development environment for the RLPT package.
To run the project, navigate to the /example
folder and run the following commands.
npm install
npm start
To develop on a local development build of RLPT the easiest thing to do at the moment
is to symlink the package to the module in /example
. To do this:
cd react-lazy-paginated-tree
npm link
cd react-lazy-paginated-tree/example
npm link react-lazy-paginated-tree
This will serve the build assets in dist
so make sure to run npm run build
to update the assets.
For more information on creating npm symlinks -
This library depends on:
Please ensure that these are included in your project.
Quick Start
'use strict';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Tree, SampleTree } from 'react-lazy-paginated-tree';
class ReactLazyPaginatedTree extends Component {
render() {
return <Tree nodes={SampleTree} useLocalState={true} />;
const content = document.getElementById('content');
ReactDOM.render(<ReactLazyPaginatedTree />, content);
An online demo for the quick start, theming, lazy loading and pagination can be found Here.
<Tree />
The component accepts the following props:
Data Props
nodes: Array<Node>
: (required) A list of nodes that represent the top level of the tree
Format (one node with one child):
id: 5,
name: '2018',
description: 'Current Year',
children: [
id: 6,
name: 'Q1',
description: 'Current Quarter',
children: [],
numChildren: 0,
expanded: false,
selected: false,
numChildren: 1,
expanded: false,
selected: false,
State Props
useLocalState: boolean
: boolean that if set to TRUE will leverage local tree state only and not reflect prop changes. If you are using a state management framework such as Redux do NOT set this property to true.
Lazy Loading Props
loadChildren: Function
: function to load children of a node, called with(node: Node, pageLimit?: number)
. A parse method must be specified if the structure of children returned from this method doesn't matchArray<Node>
.parse: Function
: function that accepts a list of children (via loadChildren) and returns a list ofArray<Node>
. This must be provided if loadChildren doesn't returnArray<Node>
Pagination Props
paginated: boolean
: If true the tree will attempt to paginate by concatenating existing nodes with nodes returned by loadChildren.pageLimit: number
: pagination page limit.
Change Tracking Props
onUpdate: Function
: function called with(state: TreeState)
whenever the tree state changes. Can be used to hook into external data providers (i.e. with Redux).
Callback Props
toggleCallback: Function
: function called with(e: Event, node: Node)
as a callback to node expand/collapse event.selectCallback: Function
: function called with(e: Event, node: Node)
as a callback to node selection event.- by default, will trigger on the OnClick event of the node.
- if
doubleClickSelect = true
then it will fire on the OnDoubleClick event - does not support both OnClick and OnDoubleClick events for node selection
Style Overrides
theme: Theme
: The easiest way to add custom styling. Simply provide atheme: Theme
javascript styles object override the default theme.indentWidth: number
: The padding depth for each level of nesting within the tree.
Component Overrides
The component tree looks like this:
<Loading />
<DepthPadding />
<Expander />
<Checkbox />
<Body />
<Paginator />
Each of these components can be substituted with your own custom component. The default theme is built on Material-UI. The components are:
List: <React.Component />
ListItem: <React.Component />
Expander: <React.Component />
Checkbox: <React.Component />
Body: <React.Component />
Paginator: <React.Component />
Loading: <React.Component />
DepthPadding: <React.Component />
Package Exports
Tree Component
import { Tree } from 'react-lazy-paginated-tree'
import { defaultTheme, minimalTheme } from 'react-lazy-paginated-tree'
Sample Nodes
import { SampleTree } from 'react-lazy-paginated-tree'
Flow Types
import type {
} from 'react-lazy-paginated-tree'
Flow-Type Definitions
: TreeProps
export type TreeProps = {
nodes: Array<Node>,
pageLimit?: number,
parse?: Function,
style?: Object, // equivalent to overriding theme.treeStyle
className?: string | Object,
theme?: Theme,
indentWidth?: number,
List?: any,
ListItem?: any,
Expander?: any,
Checkbox?: any,
Body?: any,
Paginator?: any,
Loading?: any,
DepthPadding?: any,
toggle?: Function,
onKeyToggle?: Function,
select?: Function,
onKeySelect?: Function,
loadChildren?: Function,
selectCallback?: Function,
toggleCallback?: Function,
useLocalState?: boolean,
paginated?: boolean,
: TreeState
export type TreeState = {
nodes: Array<Node>,
: TreeNodeProps
export type TreeNodeProps = {
depth: number,
node: Node,
theme: Theme,
indentWidth: number,
List: any,
ListItem: any,
Expander: any,
Checkbox: any,
Body: any,
Paginator: any,
Loading: any,
DepthPadding: any,
loadChildren: Function,
parse: ?Function,
pageLimit: ?number,
selectCallback?: Function,
toggleCallback?: Function,
useLocalState?: boolean,
paginated?: boolean,
doubleClickSelect?: boolean,
: TreeNodeState
export type TreeNodeState = {
expanderLoading: boolean,
paginatorLoading: boolean,
expanded: boolean,
selected: boolean,
children: Array<Node>,
page: number,
: Node
export type Node = {
id: string,
name: string,
description: string,
children: Array<Node>,
numChildren: number,
page: number,
expanded: boolean,
selected: boolean,
: Theme
export type Theme = {
treeStyle: Object,
bodyStyle: Object,
bodyTextStyle: Object,
checkboxStyle: Object,
checkboxIconStyle: Object,
checkboxIconCheckedStyle: Object,
expanderStyle: Object,
listItemStyle: Object,
paginatorStyle: Object,
paginatorTextStyle: Object,
loadingStyle: Object,
loadingTextStyle: Object,
listStyle: Object,
bodyClassName: ?String,
bodyTextClassName: ?String,
checkboxClassName: ?String,
expanderClassName: ?String,
listClassName: ?String,
listItemClassName: ?String,
loadingClassName: ?String,
loadingTextClassName: ?String,
paginatorClassName: ?String,
paginatorTextClassName: ?String,
: CheckboxProps
export type CheckboxProps = {
checked: boolean,
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
onChange: Function,
onKeyPress: Function,
selected: boolean,
: BodyProps
export type BodyProps = {
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
onClick: Function,
onKeyPress: Function,
: ExpanderProps
export type ExpanderProps = {
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
onClick: Function,
onKeyPress: Function,
expanded: boolean,
: ListItemProps
export type ListItemProps = {
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
children: any,
onClick: Function,
onDoubleClick: Function,
onKeyPress: Function,
: ListProps
export type ListProps = {
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
children: any,
: PaginatorProps
export type PaginatorProps = {
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
onClick: Function,
onKeyPress: Function,
indentWidth: number,
depth: number,
: LoadingProps
export type LoadingProps = {
theme: Theme,
node: Node,
indentWidth: number,
depth: number,
: DepthPaddingProps
export type DepthPaddingProps = {
indentWidth: number,
depth: number,
children: any,