
A way to allow users to retry their lazy loaded React components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLazyRetry from '';


React Lazy Retry

A way to retry with your lazy-loaded React components.


React.lazy is great, but out-of-the-box if it fails, that's it. This library allows for you to provide users with a way to manually retry to load the lazy-loaded route without requiring them to do a page refresh.

Implementation Guide

1. Installation
  • Yarn:

    yarn add react-lazy-retry

  • NPM:

    npm install react-lazy-retry --save

2. Use
import React from 'react';

// Import the component
import RetryableLazy from 'react-lazy-retry';

// Create a component to show while loading (optional)
const LoaderComponent = () => <>Loading...</>;

// Create a component to show when there is an error (optional)
const ErrorRetryComponent = ({ retry }) => (
    <button type="button" onClick={retry}>

// Wrap your async component and provide loading and error components
const MyAsyncComponent = RetryableLazy(() =>

// Use the component in your application
const App = ({ shouldShowAsyncComponent }) => {
    return (
            <h1>My App</h1>
            {shouldShowAsyncComponent && <MyAsyncComponent />}


Argument Number Type Default Description
1 Promise None This is a promise for the lazy-loaded component. Typically done using import.
2 React Component <>Loading...</> This will be shown while the promise for the lazy-loaded component is waiting to resolve. Optional.
3 React Component <button onClick={retry}>Retry</button> This is the UI that will be shown to the user if the request for the lazy-loaded component fails. A retry function is passed as props, which if called, will request the component again. Optional.

