Light and simple React global state management.
Latest docsTo create a store
const initialState = { todos: ['Task 1', 'Task 2'] }
export const TodosLightState = new LightState(initialState)
// => store: {todos: ["Task 1", "Task 2"]}
Get this store
// with React Hooks
const { useStore } = TodosLightState
function Listing() {
const todos = useStore(state => ({ todos: state.todos }));
return (
<List todos={todos} />
// or directly get from Store
// or
const { getState } = TodosLilghtState
// => {todos: ["Task 1", "Task 2"]}
Update this store
// directly
const {setState} = TodosLightState;
todos: [...TodosLightState.getStore().todos, 'Task 3']
// => {todos: ["Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3"]}
// async update
setState(async currentState => {
let data = await fetchData();
return { todos: currentState.todos.concat(data) }
// callback
setState({...someData}, (newState) => {
or dispatch
const {dispatch} = TodosLightState;
dispatch((dispatch, currentState) => {
dispatch({loading: true});
fetchData().then(data => {
dispatch({loading: false, data: data})
}, newState => {
Use with React. Connect your react component with withLight
or connect
export default TodosLightState.withLight()(MappedComponent)
// or
export default TodosLightState.connect()(MappedComponent)
* your component will map state of LightState to your props,
* the default props will be `yourOptionalStoreName`, if the LightState doesn't
* have default store name the props will be `lightProps`
* /
So your mapped component look like
const MappedComponent = ({ yourOptionalStoreName, ...yourRestProps }) => {
return (
{, idx) => (
<li key={idx}>{todo}</li>
Storage built-in
The Light State can save to localStorage by default
new LightState(initialState, 'yourOptionalStoreName', {
storageName: 'YourTodosStorageName', // [REQUIRED] if you want to save the data.
getFromStorage: () => {}, // [OPTIONAL] custom function get data
saveToStorage: () => {} // [OPTIONAL] custom function save data
npm install react-light-state
# or
yarn add react-light-state
# or
npm install @fozg/react-light-state
Basic usage
Setup Light State:
import LightState from "react-light-state";
export const TodosLightState = new LightState({list: ["Task 1", "Task 2"]}, "todos");
* `todos` is store name, when you connect the LightState with your component
* with api withLight(), your store name will be default props.
* If store name is null, default props will be `lightProps`.
* Otherwise, you can define function `mapStateToProps` at withLight(mapStateToProps)
* to specify which field you want to use..
* /
Use with your component:
import { TodosLightState } from '../setupLightState'
const ViewTodos = ({ todos }) => (
{, idx) => (
<li key={idx}>{todo}</li>
export default TodosLightState.withLight()(ViewTodos)
Update TodoLight:
import { TodosLightState } from '../setupLightState'
const { setState, getState } = TodosLightState
function AddTodo(todos) {
const [todo, setTodo] = useState('')
return (
placeHolder="Enter todo"
onInput={e => {
onClick={() => {
setState(...getState().list, todo)
Todo Apps
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import LightState from 'react-light-state'
const TodoStore = new LightState(['My frist todo'], 'todos')
const TodoApp = TodoStore.withLight()(({ todos }) => {
const [input, setInput] = useState('')
return (
Todo list:
{todos.length === 0 && 'No todo found'}
{, idx) => (
<li key={idx}>{todo}</li>
Enter todo:
onSubmit={e => {
TodoStore.setState([...todos, input])
onChange={e => {
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
export default TodoApp
Advanced usage
Render props
import {Light} from TodosLightState;
// your component
() => (
<Light mapStateToProps={state => ({todos: state.todos})}>
{({todos}) => (
{ => ...)}