Provide a React component to draw a line.
Underneath, it's only using a classic <div>
that it rotates and positions
where it needs to be.
Sometimes, you want to draw a line in your page (mostly, a line that is linked to 2 items that can move for instance), not using fancy stuff. A <div>
is not a fancy stuff but requires some mathematics to handle the position and rotation properly from 2 coordinates.
npm install --save react-line
You need to provide 4 coordinates to draw a line which are the props of the component :
static propTypes = {
from: React.PropTypes.shape({
x: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
y: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
to: React.PropTypes.shape({
x: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
y: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
style: React.PropTypes.string
is optional and is the css style you want to apply on the line.
The default is 1px solid black
from={{x: 10, y: 20}}
to={{x: 10, y: 100}}
style="5px solid orange"
An octogon :