
Finds links in text and converts them to <a> elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLinkifier from '';



Tiny React library to create links from text


  • Very small (~2KB minified and gzipped)
  • Zero external dependencies
  • Use it as function or component
  • Works great with complex URLs and handles many corner cases
  • Allows custom props to be applied to <a> elements
  • Automatically prepends http:// to the href or mailto: for emails

Live demo



npm install --save react-linkifier

Basic usage

As component

import Linkifier from 'react-linkifier';

const MyComponent = () => (
        <div>check this:</div>

// Render result:
// <div>
//     <span>check this: </span><a href=""></a>
// </div>

As function

import {linkifier} from 'react-linkifier';

const MyComponent = () => (

// Render result:
// <div>
//     <a href=\"\"></a>
// </div>

Advanced usage

As component

className and other props are assigned to the link elements.

import Linkifier from 'react-linkifier';

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Linkifier target="_blank" className="my-class">

// Render result:
// <div>
//     <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"my-class\" href=\"\"></a>
// </div>

With custom renderer

If you want to change the way <Linkifier /> renders links, for example when you want to use a custom component instead of <a>, you can use the renderer prop:

import Linkifier from 'react-linkifier';

const RedLink = ({href, children}) => (
    <a href={href} style={{color: 'red'}}>

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Linkifier renderer={RedLink}>

// Render result:
// <div>
//     <a href=\"\" style=\"color:red;\"></a>
// </div>

Ignore elements

Use the ignore prop to skip some children. By default ignores a and button

const ignore = [...Linkifier.DEFAULT_IGNORED, 'pre'];

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Linkifier ignore={ignore}>
        <a href="">example</a>

// None of these urls will be linkified

As function

import {linkifier} from 'react-linkifier';

const text = 'check this:';

const MyComponent = () => (
        {linkifier(text, {target: '_blank', className: 'link'})}

// Render result:
// <div>
//     <span>check this: </span>
//     <a target="_blank" class="link" href=""></a>
// </div>

With custom renderer

When using linkifier as a function you can also pass a custom renderer:

import {linkifier} from 'react-linkifier';

const RedLink = ({href, children}) => (
    <a href={href} style={{color: 'red'}}>

const text = 'check this:';

const MyComponent = () => (
        {linkifier(text, {renderer: RedLink})}

// Render result:
// <div>
//     <span>check this: </span>
//     <a href="" style="color:red;"></a>
// </div>


  • protocol: this protocol will be used if the protocol part is missing
  • renderer: pass a component to use a custom link renderer, defaults to a.
  • ignore: list of elements to ignore (defaults to ['a', 'button'])
  • Rest of properties of the options object (eg: style, className) or props of the Linkifier component are passed as props to the link element




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