
Playground wrapper around react-live

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLivePlayground from '';


React Live Playground


Playground wrapper around React Live!


npm install --save react-live-playground
# or
yarn add react-live-playground



Live example on my blog post.


import React from "react";
import ReactLivePlayground from "react-live-playground";

const Example = () => (
  <div style={{ maxWidth: "600px" }}>
    <ReactLivePlayground code=`<button>Example Button</button>` />


code: String

See React Live for the kind of React code you can use here. Pure JSX works because react-live pre-renders.

theme: Object

A prism-react-renderer theme object. See more in the README for prism-react-renderer.

scope: Object

To use global packages other than React (included by default), you have to scope them into react-live. More info in the react-live README.

Other LiveProvider Props

noInline, transformCode, language, disabled -> These can be found in the <LiveProvider /> README section

editorClass: String

CSS class name you can apply to style the Live Editor

errorClass: String

CSS class name you can apply to style the Live Error

previewClass: String

CSS class name you can apply to style the Live Preview