
This is a react hook to help you implement infinite scroll or load more feature on scroll to bottom of a page or element.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLoadMoreHook from '';


React Load More Hook

This is a react hook for loading more content on scroll to bottom of an element or window.

Setup Instructions

  • With React installed, add react-load-more dependency to your project.
    $ npm install react-load-more-hook


Import the library in the file you want to use it

    import { useLoadMore } from 'react-load-more-hook';

Create a reference to the container that will trigger the load more when it is scrolled to the bottom

    const { ref } = useRef(null)
    // Add load more hook here
    return (<ul ref={ref}>

Instantiate your load more hook here

    const [isLoadingMore, setIsLoadingMore] = useLoadMore(callback , ref)
Args Type Default Description
callback Function This is the function you want the hook to call when the element/window is scrolled to the bottom.
ref React useRef null This is the reference to the container element.

isLoadingMore is true when the container with the window scroll has reached the bottom of the container with the ref.

Also you need to manually call setIsLoadingMore(false) to tell the hook to notify you of the next scroll to bottom because there is no way the hook can know when you have updated the views or when your async call has been completed.


Try out demo here

    import { useLoadMore } from 'react-load-more-hook';

    const SampleComponent = () => {
        const loadMoreLogic = () => {
        const { ref } = useRef(null)
        const [isLoadingMore, setIsLoadingMore] = useLoadMore(()=>loadMoreLogic() , ref)
        useEffect(() => {
            if (isLoadingMore && loadMoreLogicComplete) {
        }, [isLoadingMore])
        return (<ul ref={ref}>

Cheers, I hope you like what you see.


Yes sure! There's a playground for you.

  • Clone the project

  • Install dependencies

$ npm install
  • Run the playground
$ npm run playground
  • You should see a message like
[1]  --------------------------------------
[1]        Local: http://localhost:3000

Goto http://localhost:3000 on your computer.

  • Code away directly on the source files.

  • Test usages in the playground when you think you're finished

  • Build by running
$ npm run build 
  • Create a pull request, voila!