
Toasts and loading overlay using react hooks and the context api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLoadingToast from '';


Global Helper is a Loading indicator (full screen) and toasts in 1 component accessible by a hook.

How it works

Using react context, the "Provider" needs to be wrapped around your application. It handles its own state, and accepts different components for the overlay or the Toast (If you are using bootstrap or bulma or you have your own internal css framework, you can pass a custom component and that is what is going to display.)


This package was build using Typescript

If you are interested in trying this packaage, I have created a code sandbox for it;


Available parameters

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.



Wraps around your application (similar to navigation or redux store)
Takes the following parameters:

overLayColor (String) Optional Color of overlay background

overLayComponent (Component) Optional If you have a specific component in mind for the center such as a spinner or loadingbar

overLayStyle (Style Object) Optional Style for the Loading page

defaultToast (Component) Optional If you want to add a unique toast element such as bootstrap or custom component. Must Contain a title and a body or no message will show unless you have a default in the component

toastStyle (Style Object) Optional if you want to modify the default toast style, use this

toastTimeOut (Number) Optional Timer for auto dimiss toasts in ms

toastLocation ("top-right" | "top-left" | "bottom-right" | "bottom-left" | "center-right" | "center-left") Optional Locations of the toast on the screen


useGlobalHelper is a hook that can be used on components to access toasting or overlaying.

it can return the following functionality

addToast() returns id accepts message object which expects a title and body for the toast

removeToast() accepts id and dismisses the toast

addOverLay() adds overlay to the application

removeOverLay() dismisses the overLay

removeAllToasts() dismisses all the toasts

removeAllHelper() dismisses all the toasts and the overLay