A react component to pull localist calendar events and render.
Drupal Block example | ES6 demo
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The rendered view does not come with any styling. A starter stlyle sheet can be found here
This was made with react creat app Development requires Node and NPM. See create react app for more info.
with NPM
npm install --save react-localist-viewer
or download directly from Github Repo.
git clone
import {LocalistComponent} from 'react-localist-viewer';
target= {target}
depts= {depts}
entries= {entries}
daysahead= {daysahead}
format= {format}
group= {group}
keyword= {keyword}
heading= {heading}
filterby= {filterby}
calendarurl= {calendarurl}
apikey= {apikey}
hideaddcal= {hideaddcal}
hidedescription= {hidedescription}
truncatedescription= {truncatedescription}
hideimages= {hideimages}
hidepagination = {hidepagination}
wrapperclass= {wrapperclass}
listclass= {listclass}
itemclass= {itemclass}
readmore= {readmore}
url= {url}
Development to compile sass and javascript.
copy the files in example_localist_settings.json
and renam it to local_settings.json
and configure with your settings for testing.
cd ./react-localist-viewer
npm install
npm run start
After you start
will Initialize the app, and load example data/configuration. The app is highly configurable see src/lib/localist.jsx
Proptype deifintions for all configuration options.
Running the tests
npm run jest
check for test coverage:
npm run coverage
Break down into end to end tests
React-localist-viewer should initialise with test props.
LocalistConnector should fetch
The data should be rendered with selected props.
And coding style tests
This module follows react create app coding standards.
see the .eslintrc.json
file for linting details.
npm run build
to compile for npm package. The process for converting to npm package can be found here
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository and tags on this npm.
Phil Williammee - philwilliammee
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details