
Timeline component basing on material-ui

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMaterialTimeline from '';



react-material-timeline is a vertical (right now!) timeline component which can be summarized with a simple equation:

react-material-timeline = react + material-ui + the code

If you are looking for elegant, simple library to show time based event, this is the perfect candidate!


  • easy to integrate with material-ui and compatible with material theme
  • lightweight and simple
  • optional Typescript mappings




react-material-timeline uses material-ui library. It means you should have configured material-ui before you start. For more information look here:

Install package

yarn add react-material-timeline


npm install react-material-timeline


  1. Import.
  2. Prepare events
  3. Feed Timeline
  4. Have fun.
import { Timeline } from 'react-material-timeline';
import { Avatar, Icon } from '@material-ui/core';

const icon =

const events = [
    title: 'Event 1',
    subheader: new Date().toDateString(),
    description: [ 'Some description for event 1' ],
    icon: <Avatar><Icon>work</Icon></Avatar>,
    title: 'Event 2',
    subheader: new Date().toDateString(),
    description: [ 'Some description for event 2' ],
    icon: <Avatar><Icon>home</Icon></Avatar>,

class AwesomeTimeline extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Timeline events={events}/>;


It is possible to inject CSS styles for cards via styles property:

// make text in timeline right cards to be aligned to the right
<Timeline events={events} styles={{ rightCard: { textAlign: 'right' } }} />

Currently, it is possible to adjust left and right cards separatelly.

Contributions & Feature requests

If you have any ideas how to make this library better or you found a bug feel free to open new issue. This is our hobby project and we'd like to invite you to have fun enhancing it with us!