
Simple and configurable breakpoint matcher using matchMedia and render props

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMediaBreakpoints from '';



CircleCI Coverage Status

Simple matchMedia based React component to conditionally render components based on breakpoints.


  • :white_check_mark: No dependencies
  • :white_check_mark: Small profile (4kb)
  • :white_check_mark: Flexible API
  • :white_check_mark: Customizable breakpoints


  yarn add react-media-breakpoints


  npm install --save react-media-breakpoints

Pre-configured Example

To use the pre-configured Breakpoints, just import and use the component. It will re-render when the matchMedia listener matches the new breakpoint.

//Import component
import Breakpoint from 'react-media-breakpoints'

//Use component based on breakpoints
  desktop={() => (/* Render on desktop */)}
  tablet={() => (/* Render on tablet */)}
  mobile={() => (/* Render on mobile) */)}

//It can also be used more generically with a render prop...
  render={(breakpoint) => (/* Conditionally render based on the render prop. Called with desktop, tablet, mobile */)}

//...Or as a child function
  {breakpoint => (/* Conditionally render here too :) */)}

By default, the pre-configuration is as follows:

name minWidth maxWidth
mobile none 767px
tablet 768px 1023px
desktop 1024px none

Custom Configuration Example

Breakpoints can also be configured app wide by importing the configure method at the top of your App.js(x)

import { configure } from 'react-media-breakpoints';

  name: 'customBp1',
  minWidth: 1000,
  maxWidth: 1100
}, {
  name: 'customBp2',
  minWidth: 1101
}, {
  name: 'customBp3',
  maxWidth: 999

//Elsewhere in your app
  customBp1={() => (/* bp1 */)}
  customBp2={() => (/* bp2 */)}
  customBp3={() => (/* bp3 */)}

  render={(breakpoint) => (/* called with customBp1, customBp2, customBp3 etc. */)}

Note that configurations are shared across the app - it is advised to set up once and re-use these configurations across the app.

Single Query Example

Breakpoints can be used once off with a query for just the component instance. In this case, it will not use the configured breakpoints.

import Breakpoint from 'react-media-breakpoints';

  query="(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1200px)"
  render={() => { /* Called if custom query is resolved */ }}

<Breakpoint query="(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1200px)">
  { () => { /* Called if custom query is resolved */ }}

Server Side Rendering

Using this package in a server context will result in a default breakpoint, server, to be rendered. This allows you to specify the most expensive breakpoint to pre-render (e.g. the most amount of API calls).

//On a server
import Breakpoint from 'react-media-breakpoints';
import MyCoolServerComponent from './Component';

<Breakpoint server={() => { /* Render a component here */ }} />
<Breakpoint server={MyCoolServerComponent} />

Common Gotchas & FAQs

Custom config overlaps/misses pixel ranges

In this scenario, Breakpoint will not call any render method - this is largely do to directly translating the config to media queries.