
A responsive customizable media gallery for React apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMediaGallery from '';


A responsive customizable media gallery for React apps.

Let your multimedia content take center stage with react-media-gallery. The easy to use component supports images, videos (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion), Soundcloud and Spotify tracks, IFRAME's and AJAX content.

Based on poptrox



npm install react-media-gallery

Minimal setup example

Let's create a minimal gallery. A multimedia content to be shown by PopReactrox must, at least, be an anchor nesting an image as shown below.

<div id='minimal-gallery'>
    <a href="path/to/serve/src1">
        <img src="path/to/thumbnail1.jpg" />
    <a href="path/to/serve/src2">
        <img src="path/to/thumbnail2.jpg" />

The anchor points to the source we want to show in PopReactrox. The inner image points to the thumbnail we want our gallery to show. All that remains is to provide a selector to PopReactrox in order to find media contents to show:

import React from 'react'
import PopReactrox from 'react-media-gallery'

render() {
    return (
      <PopReactrox PRTSettings={{selector: '#minimal-gallery a'}} />    


Key Type Default Value Description
preload boolean false If true, preload fullsize images in the background
baseZIndex number 1000 Base Z-Index
fadeSpeed number 300 Global fade speed (ms)
overlayColor string #000000 Overlay color
overlayOpacity number 0.6 Overlay opacity
overlayClass string popreactrox-overlay Overlay class name
windowMargin number 50 Window margin size (in pixels; only comes into play when a content is larger than the viewport)
windowHeightPad number 0 Window height padding
selector string null Anchor tag selector
caption object, function null Caption settings (see below)
popupSpeed number 300 Popup resize speed (ms)
popupWidth number 200 Popup width
popupHeight number 100 Popup height
popupIsFixed boolean false If true, popup won't resize to fit content
useBodyOverflow boolean false If true, the BODY tag is set to overflow: hidden when the popup is visible
usePopupEasyClose boolean true If true, popup can be closed by clicking on it anywhere
usePopupForceClose boolean false If true, popup can be closed even while content is loading
usePopupLoader boolean true If true, show the popup loader
usePopupCloser boolean true If true, show the popup closer button
usePopupCaption boolean false If true, show caption inside popup
usePopupNav boolean false If true, show (and use) popup navigation
usePopupDefaultStyling boolean true If true, default popup styling will be applied (background color, text color, etc)
popupBackgroundColor string #FFFFFF Popup background color (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupTextColor string #000000 Popup text color (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupLoaderTextSize string 2em Popup loader text size (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupCloserBackgroundColor string #000000 Popup closer background color (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupCloserTextColor string #FFFFFF Popup closer text color (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupCloserTextSize string 20px Popup closer text size (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupPadding number 10 Popup padding (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupCaptionHeight number 60 Popup height of caption area (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupCaptionTextSize string null Popup caption text size (when usePopupStyling = true)
popupBlankCaptionText string (untitled) Applied to contents that don't have captions (when captions are enabled)
popupCloserText string \u00d7 Popup closer text
popupLoaderText string \u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022 Popup loader text
popupClass string popreactrox-popup Popup class
popupSelector string null (For style customization) Popup selector
popupLoaderSelector string .loader (For style customization) Popup Loader selector
popupCloserSelector string .closer (For style customization) Popup Closer selector
popupCaptionSelector string .caption (For style customization) Popup Caption selector
popupNavPreviousSelector string .nav-previous (For style customization) Popup Nav Previous selector
popupNavNextSelector string .nav-next (For style customization) Popup Next Previous selector
onPopupClose function null Called when popup closes
onPopupOpen function null Called when popup opens

Key shortcuts

Use left and right arrow keys to switch contents when usePopupNav is enabled. Close the popup with Escape key.


Don't forget to set usePopupCaption to true if you want to show captions inside PopReactrox. You can choose between three assignment methods:

  1. Setting caption to null causes PopReactrox to search for the caption's content in the title attribute of the img tag of your media element:
<a href="path/to/serve/src">
    <img src="path/to/thumbnail" title="What a nice media element!" />
caption: null // Show "What a nice media element!"
  1. Caption's content can be taken from the text content or from the data-attribute of a separate element, as long as the element is inside the anchor.
<a href="path/to/serve/src1">
    <img src="path/to/thumbnail1" title="What a nice media element!" />
    <span style="display: none;" class="description">Awesome media</span>
<a href="path/to/serve/src2">
    <img src="path/to/thumbnail2" title="What a nice media element!" />
    <span style="display: none;" class="description" data-desc="Magnificent media"></span>
caption: { selector: ".description" } // Show "Awesome media"

caption: { selector: ".description", attribute: "data-desc" } // Show "Magnificent media"
  1. The advanced method consists in using a callback function (whose only argument is the anchor element) to retrieve nested contents.
    <li data-desc="Superb media">
        <a href="path/to/serve/src1">
            <img src="path/to/thumbnail1" />
        <a href="path/to/serve/src2">
            <img src="path/to/thumbnail2" />
caption: a => {
    const suppliedContent = a.parentNode.getAttribute('data-desc')
    return suppliedContent
        ? suppliedContent
        : 'No description'
// Show respectively "Superb media" and "No description"

Supported Types

PopReactrox supports different media types. To allow PopReactrox to recognize them, a data-popreactrox attribute must be provided to the anchors tag. By default a media anchor pointed by selector is interpreted as an image and does not require any data-popreactrox.

<a href="path/to/serve/src" data-popreactrox="type,sizes,options"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

The content of data-popreactrox is a string consisting in a comma separated list of parameters:

  • type: Media type (see below)
  • sizes: Optional width and height separated by the 'x' character for custom popup sizes. Examples: 600x400 (pixel) or 80%x75% (percentage) or 100%x200 (hybrid). No other format is accepted.
  • options: An optional list of options separated by the '&' character for those elements that support it. The parameter will not be interpreted if sizes is not provided.

AJAX Content

  • Link format: Anything (as long as it's on the same domain)
  • Type: ajax
  • Default sizes: 600x400
  • Options: Not supported
<a href="path/to/whatever.html" data-popreactrox="ajax"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

Dailymotion Videos

  • Link format: (found via the "Share" button under "Copy link")
  • Type: dailymotion
  • Default sizes: 800x480
  • Options: Dailymotion parameters
<a href="" data-popreactrox="dailymotion,600x400,autoplay=true"><img src="path/to/thumbnail"/></a>


  • Link format: Anything.
  • Type: iframe
  • Default Sizes: 600x400
  • Options: Not supported
<a href="path/to/whatever.html" data-popreactrox="iframe"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

Soundcloud Tracks

  • Link format: (found via the "Share" button)
  • Type: soundcloud
  • Default Sizes: 600x200
  • Options: Soundcloud Parameters
<a href="" data-popreactrox="soundcloud,80%x30%,download=true"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

Spotify Tracks

  • Link format: (Right-click any song, album, artist, playlist or podcast. Get link under “Copy Song Link” or "Copy Album link" ...)
  • Type: spotify
  • Default Sizes: 350x380
  • Options: Not supported
<a href="" data-popreactrox="spotify"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

Vimeo Videos

  • Link format: (found via the "Share" button under "Link")
  • Type: vimeo
  • Default Size: 800x480
  • Options: Vimeo Parameters
<a href="" data-popreactrox="vimeo,100%x85%,autoplay=1&#t=85s"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

YouTube Videos

  • Link format: (found via the "Share" button)
  • Type: youtube
  • Default sizes: 800x480
  • Options: Youtube Parameters
<a href="" data-popreactrox="youtube,800x600,autoplay=1&mute=1"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>


This type tells PopReactrox to treat whatever's in anchor's href as if it were a normal link.

  • Link format: Anything.
  • Type: ignore
  • Options: Not supported
<a href="" data-popreactrox="ignore"><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></a>

Custom style

Are you not satisfied with the customization possibilities offered by the PopReactrox's props?

  • Set usePopupDefaultStyling to false
  • Assign a custom selector to internal popup components you want to customize through popupSelector, popupLoaderSelector, popupCloserSelector, popupCaptionSelector, popupNavPreviousSelector, popupNavNextSelector
  • Point to the assigned selectors in your own external style sheet


Tested through Jest and Enzyme.

npm run test


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Mirko Monaco 2019.