
A middleware-based router for React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMiddlewareRouter from '';



A middleware-based router for React.


npm install react-middleware-router


This router is designed to be a drop-in replacement for both react-router and if using redux react-router-redux.

Browser Routing

Here is an example of a small app:

const { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } = require('react-middleware-router')

class App extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <BrowserRouter history={history}>
        <Switch errorComponent={NotFound} loadingComponent={Spinner}>
          <Route path="/bar" middleware={[barware]} component={Bar} />
          <Route path="/baz" middleware={[bazware]} component={Baz} />
          <Route path="/foo" middleware={[fooware]} component={Foo} />
          <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />

Notice a few additions:

  • errorComponent is optionally supplied to Switch. There is no need to create a "catch-all" route for errors.
  • loadingComponent is optionally supplied to Switch. This enables an app-wide loading/spinner component which is rendered until the route with middleware has completeing processing the middleware.
  • middleware is optionally supplied to Rotue. This is an array of functions which run before the component for the route is rendered. If any middleware return an error the errorComponent is rendered instead.

Browser Routing with Redux

const { ConnectedRouter, Route, Switch } = require('react-middleware-router')
const { Provider } = require('react-redux')

class App extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <Provider store={store}>
        <ConnectedRouter history={history}>
          <Switch errorComponent={NotFound} loadingComponent={Spinner}>
            <Route path="/bar" middleware={[barware]} component={Bar} />
            <Route path="/baz" middleware={[bazware]} component={Baz} />
            <Route path="/foo" middleware={[fooware]} component={Foo} />
            <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />


Here is an exampe of a middleware function:

function bazware(o, next) {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 250)
  • The first argument, property o, is the object that was optionally passed from a previous middleware.
  • The second argument, function next, is the callback to tell the middleware it has completed (or errored).
  • The first argument to next is always an error or null.
  • The second argument to next is the data you want to pass to the next middleware.

Passing data or errors to middleware


next(null, {some: 'data'})


next({some: 'error'})