
React hook to mimic mobile password behavior

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMimicPasswordHook from '';


React useMimicPassword hook

Password-mask hook for ReactJS for input components to mimic mobile behavior and improve the accuracy of user input.


  • Mask input per-type
  • Mask input after delay
  • TypeScript support
  • Tested and ready for commercial use

persymbol mode

Persymbol mode

delayed mode

Delayed mode


With NPM:

npm install react-mimic-password-hook

With yarn:

yarn add react-mimic-password-hook


import React from 'react';
import { useMimicPassword } from 'react-mimic-password-hook';

function App() {
  const handleChange = React.useCallback((value, event) => { console.log(value) }, [])

  const [value, presentation, onChange] = useMimicPassword({
    // All these parameters are optional
    mask: '•',
    delay: 1000,
    mode: 'delayed',

  return (
    <input value={presentation} onChange={onChange} />


Name Type Default Description
mask string Symbol to mask the original input.
delay number 1000 Time in miliseconds before text is masked.
mode string delayed delayed or persymbol
handleChange function undefined Callback function for onChange that accepts two arguments. E. g. (value, event) => void


useMimicPassword returns an array with 3 members:

  • Original input value.
  • Masked presentation value.
  • onChange callback that return next value.


How to correctly submit a value via form?

For ajax forms you should use value returned from the hook.

To put value directly to the form use the following approach:

<input value={presentation} onChange={onChange} type="text" />
<input type="hidden" name="form-input-server-name" value={value} />

How to use hook with useForm?

Please see the example:

import React from 'react'
import { Controller, useForm } from 'react-hook-form'
import { useMimicPassword } from 'react-mimic-password-hook'

function App() {
  const [password, passwordPresentation, onChangeMimicPassword] = useMimicPassword()

  const { control, errors, handleSubmit } = useForm({
    defaultValues: {
      password: ''

  const onSubmit = React.useCallback((data) => {
    // Send form...
  }, [])

  return (
    <form noValidate onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
        rules={{ required: 'Password is required' }}
        render={({ onChange, onBlur, value: _, name }) => (
              onChange={(e) => {
                const nextValue = onChangeMimicPassword(e)
            <input type="hidden" value={password} name={name} />
      <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>{errors.password?.message}</p>


Feel free to submit issues and raise PRs. Please keep code and commits consistent with present codebase.

Please also don't forget to update tests accordingly. For local test run you might need to install React as dependency rather than peer dependency. Please don't commit such change.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.