
A minimal setup for simple React applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMinimalBoilerplate from '';


React Minimal Boilerplate

This will be a React Boilerplate for I have made for my react projects. Its inspired by Pete Hunt's React HowTo.

I call it React Minimal Boilerplate as it has a minimal set of libraries, when it comes to adding a JavaScript library to my FrontEnd projects I deeply believe in: If you do not need it do not use it.

Libraries included in the project:

  1. React, React-DOM : 15.0
  2. React-Router: 2.0.1
  3. immutable: 3.7.6
  4. Webpack: 1.12.14
  5. Babel: 6.x
  6. CSS-Modules for styling
  7. Unit Test Coverage: enzyme:2.2.0, mocha:2.4.5, chai:3.5.0, sinonjs:1.17.3
  8. ESLint: 2.5.1, using eslint-config-airbnb:7.0.0
  9. Flow: 0.22.1

Other small tweaks I did for myself:

  1. In development mode all http requests with /api will be redirected to http://localhost:8080
  2. Added normalize.css to the project
  3. The project uses /template/index.html as template to create index.html in dev mode and during build