
A react loader component done with CSS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMinimalisticLoaders from '';



A lightweight react loader component. I will try to add new animations and shapes consistently.



npm i react-minimalistic-loaders or yarn add react-minimalistic-loaders

use it in your component:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import Loader from "react-minimalistic-loaders";

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Loader shape="Eyeball" size="100px" />

export default App;


Name Type Default Description
size string 28px The size of the loader component - must be a valid CSS size unit.
color string #000 The color of the loader shape and text - must be a valid CSS color.
fontSize string 28px The size of the loader text - must be a valid CSS size unit.
loaderText string 28px Loader text, inputing en empty string - "" removes the text.
animationLength string 4s The length of a single animation loop - must be specified in ms or s.
animation string NormalRotation The name of the loader animation.
shape string Base The name of the loader shape.

Available animations:

  • Grow
  • HalfRotation
  • Rotation
  • AcceleratedRotation

Available shapes:

  • Square
  • NotchedCircle
  • Sunshine
  • Eyeball
  • Corridor
  • ThreeCircles
  • Spinner
  • InvertedTam


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