A React-based Operations/Monitoring DAG Diagram
English| [简体中文](. /README. md)
✨ Feature
- support the direction of left-to-right, top-to-bottom
- support for custom status, custom status note in upper left corner
- support for custom node styles and hover, focus status
- support edge's label style
- support the toolltips of node, endpoint, edge's label
- support right-click menu of nodes and edges
- support minimap and highlight status
- support edge flow animation
📦 Install
npm install react-monitor-dag
APIMonitorDag properties
Property | Description | Type | Default |
data | data | any | - |
width | component width | number | string | - |
height | component height | number | string | - |
className | component className | string | - |
nodeMenu | Node Right-click Menu Configuration | Array< menu> | (node) => Array< menu> | - |
nodeMenuClassName | Node Right-click Menu classname | string | - |
edgeMenu | Edge Right-click Menu Configuration | Array< [menu] | |
groupMenu | Group Right-click Menu Configuration | Array< [menu] | |
(#menu-type)> | [ ] | ||
config | As configured aboveconfig Prop | any | - |
polling | support pollingpolling Prop | object | { } |
registerStatus | Register status, which adds class to the node based on its status | object | key:value, registered by user, corresponded to the status field of node |
statusNote | Status note in upper left cornerstatusNote Prop | object | { } |
onClickNode | Single Click Node Event | (node) => void | - |
onContextmenuNode | Right-Click Node Event | (node) => void | - |
onDblClickNode | Double Click Node Event | (node) => void | - |
onClickEdge | Single Click Edge Event | (edge) => void | - |
onClickLabel | Single Click Label Event | (label, edge) => void | - |
onContextmenuEdge | Right-Click Edge Event | (edge) => void | - |
onContextmenuGroup | Right-Click Group Event | (data) => void | |
onChangePage | Single-Click Group Pagination Event | (data) => void |
### menu
right-click menu configuration for'Node/Edge'
Property | Description | Type | Default |
title | name of each column | string | - |
key | unique flag for each column menu | string | - |
render | Customize the style of each column menu | (key) => void | - |
onClick | Click Callback for Each Column | (key, data) => void | - |
the configuration of canvas
Property | Description | Type | Default |
direction | the dag's direction | string | left-right | top-bottom |
edge | the configuration of edge | edge Prop { } | - |
labelRender | rendering method of edge's label | (label) => void | - |
labelTipsRender | rendering tooltips of edge label | (data) => void | - |
nodeRender | rendering of nodes | (data) => void | - |
nodeTipsRender | rendering tooltips of node | (data) => void | - |
endpointTipsRender | rendering tooltips of endpoint | (data) => void | - |
minimap | whether to show minimap | minimap Prop { } | - |
delayDraw | Delayed rendering. This component must ensure that the canvas container rendering (including animation execution) is completed before rendering, otherwise the coordinates will be offset, for example:Animation of Ant Design Modal | number | 0 |
autoLayout | custom layout | autoLayout Prop {} | - |
diffOptions | Collection of diff fields for node updates | Array< string> | - |
onLoaded | canvas loaded event | (data: {nodes, edges, groups}) => {} | - |
the configuration of edge
Property | Description | Type | Default |
type | the type of edge | string | - |
config | the config of edge | any | - |
the configuration of minimap
Property | Description | Type | Default |
enable | whether to show minimap | boolean | - |
config | the config of minimap | minimap Config Prop { } | - |
autoLayout Config
the custom layout config
Property | Description | Type | Default |
enable | whether to enable custom layout | boolean | - |
isAlways | whether to rearrange the layout after adding nodes | boolean | - |
config | algorithm configuration | { } | - |
minimap Config
the config of minimap
Property | Description | Type | Default |
nodeColor | node color | any | - |
activeNodeColor | node active color | any | - |
support polling
Property | Description | Type | Default |
enable | whether to support polling | boolean | - |
interval | interval of polling | number | - |
getData | the method of get data | (data) => void | - |
Status note in upper left corner
Property | Description | Type | Default |
enable | whether to show status in upper left corner | boolean | - |
notes | the configuration of status note | notes Prop { } | - |
the configuration of status note
Property | Description | Type | Default |
code | status code | string | - |
className | status className | string | - |
text | status text | string | - |
render | custom rendering methods | function | - |
import MonitorDag from 'react-monitor-dag';
import 'react-monitor-dag/dist/index.css';
nodeMenu={menu} // Node Right-click Menu Configuration
edgeMenu={menu} // Edge Right-click Menu Configuration
groupMenu={menu} // Group Right-click Menu Configuration
onClickNode={(node) => {}} // Single Click Node Event
onContextmenuNode={(node) => {}} // Right Click Node Event
onDblClickNode={(node) => {}} // Double Click Node Event
onClickEdge={(edge) => {}} // Single Click Edge Event
onContextmenuEdge={(edge) => {}} // Right Click Edge Event
onContextmenuGroup={(data) => {}} // Right Click Group Event
onChangePage={(data) => {}} // Single Click Group Pagination Event
polling={{ // support polling
enable: true,
interval: 5000, // interval of polling
getData: (data) => { // the method of get data
registerStatus={{ // Register status, which adds class to the node based on its status
success: 'success-class',
fail: 'fail-class',
timeout: 'timeout-class',
running: 'runnning-class',
waitting: 'waiting-class',
other: 'other-class'
statusNote={{ // Status note in upper left corner
enable: true,
notes: [{
code: 'success',
className: 'success-class',
text: '运行成功',
interface menu { // right-click menu configuration for'Node/Edge'
title ? : string, // name of each column
key: string, // unique flag for each column menu
render ? (key: string) : void, // Customize the style of each column menu
onClick ? (key: string, data: any) : void, // Click Callback for Each Column
interface config {
direction: string, // the dag's direction: 'left-right' or 'top-bottom'
edge: { // the configuration of edge
type: string,
config: any
labelRender ? (label: JSX.Element) : void, // rendering method of edge's label
labelTipsRender ? (data: any) : void, // rendering tooltips of edge label
nodeRender ? (data: any) : void, // rendering of nodes
nodeTipsRender ? (data: any) : void, // rendering tooltips of node
endpointTipsRender ? (data: any) : void, // rendering tooltips of endpoint
minimap: { // whether to show minimap
enable: boolean,
config: {
nodeColor: any, // node color
activeNodeColor: any // node active color
interface props {
data: any, // data
width ? : number | string, // component width
height ? : number | string, // component height
className ? : string, // component className
nodeMenu: Array < menu > , // Node Right-click Menu Configuration
edgeMenu: Array < menu > , // Edge Right-click Menu Configuration
groupMenu: Array < menu > , // Group Right-click Menu Configuration
config ? : any, // As configured above
polling ? : { // support polling
enable: boolean,
interval: number, // interval of polling
getData(data): void // the method of get data
registerStatus ? : { // Register status, which adds class to the node based on its status
success: string,
fail: string
statusNote ? : { // Status note in upper left corner
enable: boolean,
notes: [{
code: string,
className: string,
text: string,
render?:() => JSX.Element
onClickNode ? (node: any) : void, // Single Click Node Event
onContextmenuNode ? (node: any) : void, // Right-Click Node Event
onDblClickNode ? (node: any) : void, // Double Click Node Event
onClickEdge ? (edge: any) : void, // Single Click Edge Event
onClickLabel ? (label: string, edge: any) : void, // Single Click Label Event
onContextmenuEdge ? (edge: any) : void, // Right-Click Edge Event
onContextmenuGroup?(edge: any): void, // Right-Click Group Event
onChangePage?(data:any): void, // Single-Click Group Pagination Event
If you need more customized requirements, you can refer to issue or butterfly to customize your needs