
The react js component to display calendar with events in given month.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMonthlyEvents from '';


react-event-calendar Build Status npm version

A monthly calendar view component for React

A Bootstrap 4 based React component to display monthly scheduled events calendar.



  • Monthly calendar view
  • Can display different types of events (events on exact date, time range events)
  • Modern styling and layout (Bootstrap 4)


npm install react-monthly-events


Online demo is available!

Working example

You can quickly setup this calendar component on your local machine and see how it works:

Basic usage

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import MonthlyEvents from 'react-monthly-events';

class YourComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        const currentMonth = new Date('2017-01-01');
        const events = [
                id: 'event-1', 
                start: '2017-01-03 18:00:00', 
                end: '2017-01-03 19:30:00', 
                allDay: false, 
                event: 'Learn ReactJS' 
                id: 'event-2', 
                start: '2017-01-04 17:01:00',  
                allDay: false, 
                event: 'Go home' 
        return (
            <div className="row">
                    currentMonth={ currentMonth }
                    events={ events }


  • currentMonth indicates a month to display. For example if you want to display the calendar page for February 2017 you need to provide any date between "2017-02-01" and "2017-02-28".
    It can be string, an instance of moment or an instance of Date Object.
  • events is an array of events to display. The component will filter out the all events from not matching months.

Structure of the event objects

name description type required
id an unique identifier for the event string true
start a date when the event starts ISO string true
event a name of the event ISO string true
allDay when it is true the event will be a "bar" on the top of a cell when it is false the event will appear as "dot" boolean true
end a date when the event ends ISO string false
    id: 'event-1',
    start: '2017-02-01',
    end: '2017-02-02',
    event: 'Learn ReactJS',
    allDay: false
