
High Prefomance Monadic Reactive State Container for React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMost from '';


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A Monadic Reactive Composable State Wrapper for React Components

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npm install react-most --save


react-most is a simple, 100 LOC Higher Order Component for React. Its only dependencies are most, most-subject.

Data flow in react-most is simple and unidirectional, similar to flux.


  • Machine: a machine can emit Update to a timeline update$, and can be operated by calling function in actions
  • Plan: a Plan is a function that describe how to create a Machine
  • Update: a function currentState -> nextState
  • Action: a function that create Intent
  • Intent: describe what you want to do
  • Intent Stream: a timeline of every Intent created by every Action

Quick Start

sorry we don't have a book to document how to use react-most, and I don't really need to, but there's only 3 things you should notice when using react-most, I'll explain by a simple counter app.

Also, you can refer to:

1. Create a simple stateless View component

const CounterView = props => (
    <button onClick={props.actions.dec}>-</button>
    <button onClick={}>+</button>

2. Create a Plan

  1. A counter can have actions of inc and dec, which will send Intent of {type: 'inc'} or {type:'dec'} to Intent Stream upon being called.
  2. A counter reactively generates Update when it receives an Intent of either type inc or dec.
const counterable = connect((intent$) => {
  return {
    update$: intent$.map(intent => {
      switch (intent.type) {
        case 'inc':
          return state => ({ count: state.count + 1 });
        case 'dec':
          return state => ({ count: state.count - 1 });
          return _ => _;
    actions: {
      inc: () => ({ type: 'inc' }),
      dec: () => ({ type: 'dec' })

you'll see that the function in connect parameter is a Plan, the object it return is a Machine

and connect return a HoC that you can wrap it to View Component

3. Connect Plan and View

const Counter = counterable(CounterView)

    <Counter />


Inspired by Redux and Functional Reactive Programming, react-most allows you to model user events, actions, and data as reactive streams. Now you can map, filter, compose, and join those streams to form your application's state.

Purely Functional, Declarative, and Monadic

In imperatively written code, you describe step-by-step how to process data. With react-most, we simply define data transformations, then compose them to form our data flow. There are no variables, no intermediate state, and no side effects in your data flow's data composition!

Composable and Reusable Sinks

In Redux, reducers' use of switch statements can make them difficult to compose. Unlike reducers, sinks are reusable observable object.

Wrapper is simply a function and easily composable.

const countBy1 = connect(...)
const countBy2 = connect(...)
const Counter = countBy1(countBy2(CounterView))
// or
const counterable = compose(countBy1, countBy2)
const Counter = counterable(CounterView)

Easy to test, no need for mocks

Because UI and UI behavior are loosely coupled, you can test a React component by just passing it data. Behaviors can be tested by calling actions and then verifying the state.

import {stateHistoryOf, Engine } from 'react-most-spec';
let counterWrapper = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
        <Most engine={Engine}>
          <Counter history={true} />
let counter = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(counterWrapper, Counter)

see more details about testing at react-most-spec or todomvc example

Async actions

Asynchronous functions, such as Promises, can be converted to a stream and then flat-mapped.

intent$.map(promise => most.fromPromise(promise))
    .flatMap(value => /* use the results */)

Transducers support

Transducer is another high-performance, functional way to compose non-monadic data flows.

Writing actions as transducers can improve reusability.

Time Travel

Because we have all actions' streams, we can easily reproduce the actions at anytime, or get snapshot of the state's stream and going back in time.

By passing the history parameter into the options of connect

connect(intent$=>[/* your awesome flow */], { history: true })(App)

or passing history as a prop

  <Counter history={true}/>

A stream with all of the state's history will be created, called historyStream.

Modular and Easy to Extend

If you're more familiar with RxJS, it's easy to use it with react-most in place of most. Simply pass a prop called engine to the Most component.

But, I'm strongly RECOMMEND to use the default engine most.js, it's how react-most originally built for, and production ready.

import rxEngine from 'react-most/engine/rx'
<Most engine={rxEngine}>
  <App />

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