
React boilerplate with material ui and an express backend

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMuiBoilerplate from '';


React Mui Boilerplate

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A powerful boilerplate for using react with material-ui in the frontend and express in the backend. Redux, react-redux and react-router-dom are also preinstalled.

Quick Start

npx react-mui-boilerplate my-app
cd my-app
npm start


--remote When a git remote is specified, it will be set as the origin and a first commit will be pushed automatically.

Project structure

| -- app
|  | -- Controllers
|  |  | -- AuthController.js
|  | -- Middleware
|  |  | -- ProtectMiddleware.js
|  | -- Models
|  |  | -- User.js
|  | -- Services
|  |  | -- AuthServiceProvider.js
|  | -- utils
|  |  | -- index.js
| -- client
|  | -- public
|  |  | -- index.html
|  |  | -- manifest.json
|  | -- src
|  |  | -- assets
|  |  | -- components
|  |  | -- config
|  |  |  | -- api.js
|  |  |  | -- constants.js
|  |  |  | -- formatAPI.js
|  |  | -- pages
|  |  |  | -- IndexPage.js
|  |  | -- router
|  |  |  | -- index.js
|  |  | -- store
|  |  |  | -- reducers
|  |  |  |  | -- auth.js
|  |  |  |  | -- root.js
|  |  |  | -- actions.js
|  |  |  | -- actionTypes.js
|  |  |  | -- index.js
|  |  | -- utils
|  |  |  | -- Analytics.js
|  |  |  | -- useAPIData.js
|  |  | -- App.js
|  |  | -- index.css
|  |  | -- index.js
|  |  | -- serviceWorker.js
|  | -- .env
|  | -- .gitignore
|  | -- .package.json
| -- database
|  | -- migrations
|  |  | -- 010.users.js
|  | -- seeders
|  |  | -- 010.users.js
|  | -- index.js
| -- lib
|  | -- Collection.js
|  | -- Model.js
| -- public
| -- routes
|  | -- api.js
|  | -- index.js
| -- scripts
|  | -- deploy.js
|  | -- jwt-secret.js
|  | -- migrate.js
|  | -- seed.js
|  | -- start-server.js
| -- .env
| -- .gitignore
| --
| -- package.json
| --
| -- server.js