
A Material UI Autosuggest'ing Mapbox Geocoder for locating addresses and points of interest.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMuiMapboxGeocoderEmp from '';



A Material UI Autosuggest'ing Mapbox Geocoder for locating addresses and points of interest.

What Is This?

basically it is a combination of...



material-ui & react-autosuggest

What Does This Component Look Like?

it looks like this...

What does this component look like?

How Can I Use It?

Here are some hints...

import MatGeocoder from 'react-mui-mapbox-geocoder'


const geocoderApiOptions = {
  country: 'us',
  proximity: {longitude: -121.0681, latitude: 38.9197},
  bbox: [-123.8501, 38.08, -117.5604, 39.8735]

_goToGeocoderResult = (result) => {
  // Go to result.

return (
    inputPlaceholder="Search Address"
    onSelect={result => this._goToGeocoderResult(result)}


Are There Any Other Props I Can Pass?


endpoint: string, default "''"
source: string, default "'mapbox.places'"
inputPlaceholder: string, default "'Search'"
accessToken: (required) string
proximity: (optional) {longitude: number, latitude: number}
country: (optional) string, eg. 'us'
bbox: (optional) [number, number, number, number]
types: (optional) string,
limit: (optional) number,
autocomplete: (optional) boolean
language: (optional) string,
showLoader: boolean, default "true"
focusOnMount: boolean, default "false"
onSelect: (required), (selectedFeature) => {...},
onSuggest: (optional), (suggestedResults) => {...}

See Mapbox API Docs for more information.

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