React Mui Swipeable
A simple component for making elements swipeable. It follows the material design pattern and uses @material-ui internally.
onSwipeLeft={() => console.log("Swipe Left")}
onSwipeRight={() => console.log("Swipe Right")}
<div>Swipe Me</div>
npm install react-mui-swipeable
For the component to work proberly, the child must accept the style attribute. (If you use a DOM element, this will be the case)
import Swipeable from "react-mui-swipeable"
// Single child
Available Props
* Triggers when the user swipes to the left / right. If no value is given,
* The user will be unable to swipe to the left / right.
* Default: undefined
[onSwipeLeft, onSwipeRight]: Function,
* Configurations for swiping left / right.
* Default:
* swipeLeftConfig: {
* color: "#CF6679",
* icon: DeleteIcon,
* moveOutOfScreen: true
* }
* swipeRightConfig: {
* color: "#BB86FC",
* icon: EditIcon,
* moveOutOfScreen: false
* }
[swipeLeftConfig, swipeRightConfig]: {
// Color of the background-surface exposed while swiping
color: String,
// Element which is renderer on the background-surface while swiping
icon: ReactElement,
// Whether the element should move back to the initial position when
// releasd or move out of screen
moveOutOfScreen: Boolean
* General style configuration
* Default: {
* iconColor: "#000",
* shadow: "0px 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0px 2px 2px 0px
* rgba(0,0,0,0.14),0px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.12)",
* borderRadius: 8
* }
style: {
// Color of the icon
iconColor: String,
// Styles applied to the child while swiping
shadow: String,
borderRadius: Number