
a react multiple treeview select supports async load and hierarchy display

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMultipleSelectBox from '';



A react treeview multiple select supports async load and hierarchy display

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$ npm install react-multiple-select-box --save

default props

key default
label Choose ...
closeText close
clearText clear
confirmText ok
cancelText cancel
selectedLabel selected
nameText (empty string)
value [] default selected value, e.g. [{id: 1, text: "value 1"}, {id: 2, text: "value 2"}]
options [] select options, e.g.[{id: 1, text: "value 1", subLen: 2, sub: [{id: 2, text: "value 2"}, {id: 3, text: "value 3"}]}, {id: 4, text: "value 4"}]
async false whether need to async load data. if set to be true, the async load options should have key `subLen`
asyncFetch if async is set to be true, you should add this prop, a function returns a promise. see more info in the `example/app/app.js`
onConfirmCallback () => {} confirm callback function
onCancelCallback () => {} cancel callback function