
A dropdown solution that can handle written in React.js. Styled with Boostrap 4.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMultiselectDropdownBootstrap from '';



A React.js component to easy create dropdowns that allows multiple option selection.


Here is an example with default settings when only an array with options is provided:

Default settings

How to install

npm install react-multiselect-dropdown-bootstrap

Then you need to import it and place somewere in your app. Here is an example for default setup:

import React from "react";
import DropdownMultiselect from "react-multiselect-dropdown-bootstrap";

class SomeSection extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        options={["Australia", "Canada", "USA", "Poland", "Spain", "France"]}

export default SomeSection;

You can also use an options with different values than labels. Please check an example below:

import React from "react";
import DropdownMultiselect from "react-multiselect-dropdown-bootstrap";

class SomeSection extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const optionsArray = [
      { key: "au", label: "Australia" },
      { key: "ca", label: "Canada" },
      { key: "us", label: "USA" },
      { key: "pl", label: "Poland" },
      { key: "es", label: "Spain" },
      { key: "fr", label: "France" },

    return <DropdownMultiselect options={optionsArray} name="countries" />;

export default SomeSection;

Available props


  • options - an array with available options. You can use a simple array like ["Spain", "Italy"] or array of objects like [{key: "es", label: "Spain"}, {key: "it", label: "Italy"}] to set a different values to select than labels that will be shown in a dropdown.
  • name - a string with the name (just like for normal html inputs)


  • selected - an array with options that should be selected as default
  • handleOnChange - a callback function to run when selected options will be changed. A "selected" param is available. It contains an array of currently selected options. Example:
handleOnChange={(selected) => {
  • placeholder - default value is "Nothing selected"
  • buttonClass - you can specify a css class for button. Default is "btn-light"
  • placeholderMultipleChecked - you can specify a placeholder that will be used if more than one option is selected at the same time. For example: "Multiple selected"
  • optionKey - specify custom key property of object. Default is "key"
  • optionLabel - specify custom label property of object. Default is "label"
  • selectDeselectLabel - specify custom label to use in select/deselect all button. Default is "Select/Deselect All"