
A multistep react component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMultistepComponentJy from '';


React Multistep Component

react-multistep-component is a multistep/wizard component for React

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Using npm

npm install react-multistep-component



import { Steps, Step } from 'react-multistep-component';

   * <Steps/> it's the container and wrapper for your steps.
   * `currentStep` is the selected step when first render. By default the first (1) step will
   * be selected. *optional
   * `stepShouldChange` is called whenever a step is changed. This method can be used for
   * validations. By default will return `true`. *optional
   * `onStepChange` is called after step change (include the first time when render) and have
   * the current step how attribute
   * `prevButton`/`nextButton` is a wrapper for the buttons, `html`, `jsx` or `string` can be included.
   * ex: `prevButton={<span><img src="..."/>Step 1</span>}`. *optional
   * `mountOnlySiblings` if it's set `true`, only the siblings of the currently active  step will be
   * render. This is an improvement for big implementations.
<Steps currentStep={2}>
     * <Step/> it's the wrapper for your step content. All content inside this will be tranclude.
     * `customNavigator` `html`, `jsx` or `string` that will be used as a label of the step. *optional
    Example Step 1
    <span>Hello step 1</span>
      Javascript Rocks!


By default the component doesn't contain styles, but there are a couple of themes that you can use in the examples


  • Add redux example
  • Add key events
  • Add more examples
