
React component for creating a list with strike through and removable items

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactMyItems from '';


React My Items

Available on NPM

This package provides you an editable list with options to add, remove or strike through items. Implement with a hook to use the data.


npm i react-my-items --save


The component is <ReactList/>. Import into your file as such:
import ReactList from 'react-my-items


The <ReactList/> component takes two state props established with a react hook.

  • reactList - This is the current state of a react hook you establish
  • setReactList - This is the function that updates the state from your hook


Included in the package is a CSS file. You can use your own styling. The source code has clear class names that you can investigate. For example, here are a few:

  • react-list-items-container - div at top level
  • react-list-items-table - table of items
  • react-list-items-row - tr in the table
  • react-list-items-btn - form button
  • react-list-items-input - form input

Implementation Example

import React, { useState } from 'react';
//import package
import ReactList from 'react-my-items'
//import optional css (you can create your own)
import 'react-my-items/build/css/index.css';

function App() {
  //set up hook to use data for your needs
  //Can preset list in useState
  const [list, setList] = useState(['Milk', 'Bread', 'Doodles', 'Noodles'])
  // do something with your data
  const onBtnClick = () => {

  //pass in the the hook as props
  //names are required
      <ReactList reactList={list} setReactList={setList}/>
      <button onClick={onBtnClick}>Submit</button>

export default App;


If you would like to see a demo go to