React native global Absolute View. Inspired react-native-root-sibling.
$ npm install react-native-absolute --save
or simply
$ npm i react-native-absoltue --save
Add wrapping Absolute component inside App render at App.js ( or registered by AppRegistry Object renderer ). If imported once then Absolute instance made value for global using.
import Absolute from 'react-native-absolute'; // import absolute. Just once.
class App extends Component<Props> {
return (
{ content }
Rendering Absolute makes Global.Absolute to using globally.
Basic Usage
- Create absolute view.
let ref = Absolute.add(
<View style={{position:'absolute', top:0, left:0, right:0, bottom:0}}>
- Destroy absolute view.
All it does.
- add
- removeAll
Advance Usage
Z index
- Make sure difference z-index to avoid another absoluted view blocked current view when call add.
let ref = Absolute.add(
<View style={{...absolute position style property...}}>...</View>
, 1024 /**z-index**/ )
Self Destory
(Actually, It is not functionality, just a example pattern. )
- Custom Component to self destroy. So you should use it some time hide animation or detroy to component it self.
let ref = Absolute.add(
<CustomComponent onClose{()={
iF( ref ) ref.destory()
ref = null;
}} />