Player is modular, this allows to compose components as needed.
Running example app
NOTE: use yarn to install dependencies! There is a postinstall hook which deletes react-native-advanced-player modules, to be able to update lib without the need to reinstall and restart the packager Postinstall script doesn't work well with npm.
cd example
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
react-native run-ios
// or
react-native run-android
You can also notice that the example app react-native-advanced-player dependency version is "..". This is done to be able to require the lib from the repo and not from npm.
Also don't forget to link all react-native dependencies:
react-native link
And check these instructions for linking:
Main parts of the library:
- withEvent (hoc)
- GoogleCastControl (ES6 class)
- PlayerControl (Provider, Consumer, using Context API)
- AirPlayControl (Provider, Consumer, using Context API)
- VolumeControl (Provider, Consumer, using Context API)
You can use them as needed or compose into a single component. Example demonstrates wrapping components in hocs as needed.
enables control of such things as:
- loading the track
- player speed
- state (playing/paused)
- how much of current track is buffered (loaded), in percent
- what is the current progress in percent
- adds rewind rewind / seek methods
- sends commands to withGoogleCastControl hoc to handle play/pause/seek on Chromecast
It uses react-native-video under the hood.
Enables control of the Chromecast
- load track to chromecast
- seeking
- play / pause
- start / stop cast
Enables control of the system volume
Returns the event object and isShown property. It works by finding the appropriate event in the events prop, by comparing if the currentTime is within bounds of event (time and end properties)
This component is used to display currently connected devices
Additional (helper) components
- ProgressSlider
This component is used to enable proper seeking slider behavior, without lags or jumps when user is seeking the track. It uses react-native-slider library, as it offers useful events e.g. onSlidingStart, onSlidingComplete.
Additional (helper) methods
- setupPlayerNotificationControls