
An ios and android alert that includes a prompt for the user. Styled using ios design and material design by default.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeAlertPrompt from '';



An ios and android styled alert that includes a prompt for the user. If the user inputs what you expect, it exits with the `successfulAnswer` prop. Fully customizable, and styled using ios design and material design by default.

Changes in 0.0.6

  • No breaking changes.
  • Now able to show just an alert to the user, and not include the prompt input.
  • Fixes checkPrompt()


Install via npm:

 npm install react-native-alert-prompt --save


 import { AlertPrompt } from 'react-native-alert-prompt';
   androidColor={'rgba(0, 150, 136,1)'}
   placeHolderText={'Enter here'}
   alertSubject={"Are you sure?"}
   promptText={<Text>Are you sure you want to delete this account?  Enter exactly DELETE to delete it.</Text>}
   successfulAnswer={() => this.setState({ alertVisible: false, deleted: this.state.deleted+1 })}
   closePrompt={() => this.setState({ alertVisible: false})}


Prop Type Optional Default Description
validationCaseSensitive boolean No true Whether the validation on the text input is case sensitive or not.
validationText string No 'DELETE' The text to compare with the user's inputted text to determine a sucessful answer or not.
visible boolean No - Whether the alert is visible or not. Typically triggered by an action.
alertSubject string No - The title of the alert.
promptText string No - The initial text prompting the user.
rePromptText string No - The text prompting the user if they get the answer wrong.
successfulAnswer callback function No - On a successful answer, what would you like to do?
closePrompt callback function No - If the alert wants to close itself. Typically setting root component visible state to false.
animation string Yes fade Matches RN's animationType on modal. (fade, slide, none)
androidColor color value Yes 'rgba(0, 150, 136,1)' The color of the cursor and text input box on Android.
checkDelay integer (milliseconds) Yes 250 The delay between the initial prompt, and the reprompt if the user submits the wrong text.
autoFocus boolean Yes true Whether the text input auto focuses on alert show.
cancelButtonText string Yes 'Cancel' The text shown for the cancel option.
confirmButtonText string Yes 'Confirm' The text shown for the confirm option.
placeHolderText string Yes 'Enter here' The placeholder text shown in the text input.
alertOnly boolean Yes false Whether the prompt should include a prompt (set this to false, or just don't include it), or just be an alert (set as true).


Feel free to add issues and PRs. As with any project, there are things to improve!