Native Module for setting a wake lock on an Android device. Utilizes both PowerManager
and WifiManager
Note: This package requires React Native >=0.60.
Install with npm/yarn.
npm install react-native-android-wake-lock --save
// or
yarn add react-native-wake-lock
Since this package requires RN 0.60 or higher, this package will be linked automatically. If you run into an issue, you can try react-native link react-native-android-wake-lock
Make sure to request the wake lock permission. Add the following inside the project manifest (android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
This module exposes 2 possible methods for accessing the wake lock: via an interface object or a React hook. Depending on your use case, one or the other should suffice.
import React from "react";
import { WakeLockInterface, useWakeLock } from "react-native-android-wake-lock";
// the interface exposes all 3 (async) methods
const isWakeLocked = WakeLockInterface.isWakeLocked();
// these 2 aren't necessary if you're using the hook
const setWakeLock = WakeLockInterface.setWakeLock();
const releaseWakeLock = WakeLockInterface.releaseWakeLock();
// you can also use the hook to set/release a wake lock on component mount/unmount
const Component = () => {
const [wakeLocked, setWakeLocked] = useState(isWakeLocked);
// you can use the `isWakeLocked` method from the interface to check whether or not the wake lock is set
useEffect(() => {
}, [wakeLocked]);
return <View />;
The interface has 3 methods:
setWakeLock(): Promise<boolean>
- sets both the WakeLock and WifiLockreleaseWakeLock(): Promise<boolean>
- releases both the WakeLock and WifiLockisWakeLocked(): Promise<boolean>
- whether or not the wake/wifi locks are held