
A react-native datetime-picker for Android same as IOS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeAndroidcustomDatetimepicker from '';


React Native Android DateTime Picker Same As IOS

A react-native component for show the Date and time picker same as IOS in react-native android


  npm install react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker --save
  react-native link react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker


Manual installation


+ include ':react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker'
+ project(':react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker/android')


 + compile project(':react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker')

 new DateTimePickerPackage()


import DateTimePickerModule from 'react-native-androidcustom-datetimepicker'


          textConfirm:"Ok", // text for confirm button deafult is "Confirm"
          textCancel:"No", // text for cancel button deafult is "Cancel"
          btnTextSize:16, // button text size
          colorCancel:"#29436d", // button cancel text color
          colorConfirm:"#29436d", // button confirm text color 
          minYear:1970, // minimum year want to show
          maxYear:2018, // maximum year want to show 
          selectDate:"2015-06-22" //yyyy-MM-dd formate 
      }).then(function(result) {
        alert( "result":{"year":2015,"month":03,"day":23,"date":"2015-03-23"} in success after select on confirm button


      textConfirm:"Ok", // text for confirm button deafult is "Confirm"
      textCancel:"No", // text for cancel button deafult is "Cancel"
      btnTextSize:16, // button text size
      colorCancel:"#29436d", // button cancel text color
      colorConfirm:"#29436d", // button confirm text color 
    }).then(function(result) {
      alert(result.time)// "result":{"hour":01,"minute":56,"AM_PM":"AM","time":"01:56 AM"} in success after select on confirm button

Props for DatePicker

Prop Type Default Description
colorConfirm String #303F9F Confirm button text color
colorCancel String #999999 Cancel button text color
textConfirm String Confirm Confirm text string
textCancel String Cancel Cancel text string
btnTextSize int 16 Button text size
minYear int 1900 minimum year to show in calender
maxYear int current year Maximum year to show in calender
selectDate String current date selected date to show on top

Props for TimePicker

Prop Type Default Description
colorConfirm String #303F9F Confirm button text color
colorCancel String #999999 Cancel button text color
textConfirm String Confirm Confirm text string
textCancel String Cancel Cancel text string
btnTextSize int 16 Button text size