
Install an android APK from your react-native project. This project is based on `react-native-android-library-boilerplate` and `react-native-install-apk`

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeApkInstallerQb from '';


React Native APK Installer

Install an android APK from your react-native project. This project is based on react-native-android-library-boilerplate and react-native-install-apk

Installing ApkInstaller

  1. Add react-native-apk-installer to your project
  • Install directly from npm: npm install --save react-native-apk-installer.
  • Or do npm install --save git+ in your main project.
  1. Link the library:
  • Add the following to android/settings.gradle:

      include ':react-native-apk-installer'
      project(':react-native-apk-installer').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-apk-installer/android')
  • Add the following to android/app/build.gradle:

      dependencies {
          compile project(':react-native-apk-installer')
  • Add the following to android/app/src/main/java/**/

      import com.cnull.apkinstaller.ApkInstallerPackage;  // add this for react-native-apk-installer
      public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
          protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
              return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
                  new MainReactPackage(),
                  new ApkInstallerPackage()     // add this for react-native-apk-installer
  1. Simply import ApkInstaller from 'react-native-apk-installer' (You might also need to install react-native-fs package).
  import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';
  import ApkInstaller from 'react-native-apk-installer'

   try {
       var filePath = RNFS.CachesDirectoryPath + '/';
       var download = RNFS.downloadFile({
         fromUrl: '',
         toFile: filePath,
         progress: res => {
             console.log((res.bytesWritten / res.contentLength).toFixed(2));
         progressDivider: 1

       download.promise.then(result => {
         if(result.statusCode == 200) {
   catch(error) {