ReactNative module for Apptentive 5.0.+ Version 1.2.1
npm install --save react-native-apptentive-module
react-native link react-native-apptentive-module
iOS is depending on CocoaPods. Follow the Apptentive guides to learn how to add apptentive.
Pay extra attention if you can't or don't want to use use_frameworks!
Android needs some extra attention as well, because Apptentive needs a reference to your Application. In your Application class, make sure the package is added as followed:
new RNApptentivePackage(this)
Everything is handled in JS, no native code necessary, other than described above.
// Import
import Apptentive from 'react-native-apptentive-module';
The following calls are implemented:
* Configure Apptentive using your key and signature.
* You can add an optional AppleID to redirect the user to the App Store
* @param appKey Found in Apptentive Dashboard
* @param appSignature Found in Apptentive Dashboard
* @param appleID optional Found in iTunesConnect
* @return Promise
Apptentive.register(appKey, appSignature, appleID);
* Present the feedback view
* @return Promise with success boolean or error
* Present the feedback view with custom data
* @param customData optional Object
* @return Promise with success boolean or error
* Log an event to apptentive
* @param event String event name
* @return Promise with success boolean or error
* Send person data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value Value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addPersonData("key1", "string");
Apptentive.addPersonData("key2", 123);
Apptentive.addPersonData("key3", true);
* Send person data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value String value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addPersonDataString(value, key);
* Send person data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value Number value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addPersonDataNumber(value, key);
* Send person data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value Bool value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addPersonDataBool(value, key);
* Send device data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value Value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addDeviceData("key1", "string");
Apptentive.addDeviceData("key2", 123);
Apptentive.addDeviceData("key3", true);
* Send device data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value String value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addDeviceDataString(value, key);
* Send device data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value Number value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addDeviceDataNumber(value, key);
* Send device data to apptentive
* @param key Data key
* @param value Bool value
* @return Promise returning true or error
Apptentive.addDeviceDataBool(value, key);