
cache network resources, videos, images.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeAsyncCache from '';



Getting started

$ npm install react-native-async-cache --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-async-cache


Promise select(options)

The only method need to know, return a promise resolves an object containing url. If the file downloaded, resolve the url as local path, otherwise resolve the request given.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type Description
url NO String the network resource url
headers YES Map<String,String> http request headers
subDir YES String name of directory where the file save to
extension YES String file extension (e.g ''.jpg" or "jpg")
id YES String file unique identification, advance usage
data YES String binary custom data
dataType YES String type of custom data, "text", "base64" or "base64Url"
sign YES String file identification obfuscation
  • Result
Param Type Description
success Boolean whether the file is cached
url String the url from given request or the file path prefix with file:// that been cached
statusCode Integer it's nonzero and nonnull if request failed
message String the failure description
  • Usage example
import React from "react";
import RNAsyncCache from 'react-native-async-cache';

export default class extends React.Component
            url: ""
        }).then((res) => {
            const {url, statusCode, message} = res;
                {img: url, statusCode, message}

    // Component initial state

    state = {
        statusCode: 0,

    // Component render

        const {img, statusCode, message} = this.state;

        if(statusCode || message){
            // request failed
            return <Text>{statusCode} {message}</Text>;

        return img ? <Text>Loading...</Text>: <Image source={{uri: img}}/>;

Promise trash(options)

Empty the cache directory.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type Description
subDir YES String name of directory be emptied

Promise accessible(options)

Try to check http status code of the url is 200 OK.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type Description
url NO String network resource url
statusCodeLeft YES Integer min valid status code
statusCodeRight YES Integer max valid status code
accessibleMethod YES String http method, default "HEAD"
headers YES Map<String,String> request headers
  • Result
Param Type Description
accessible Boolean whether the file is cached
statusCode String http status code or -1 if runtime exception occurred
message String description of failure
size Number total bytes of resource, may be -1 if server not support Content-Length
url String request url
import React from "react";
import RNAsyncCache from 'react-native-async-cache';
import {Image, Text} from "react-native";

export default class extends React.Component {
    state = {

        const {error} = this.state;
        const img = "";

        return error ? (<Text>{error}</Text>) : <Image source={{uri:img}} onError={()=>{
            }).then(({statusCode, message})=>{
                    error: statusCode + "\n" + message
        }} />

Promise check(options)

Confirm whether the cache file exists.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type
url NO String
subDir YES String
extension YES String
  • Result
Param Type Description
path String not empty if the file exists
exists Boolean whether the file exists
url String request url

Promise remove(options)

Delete the cache file specified.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type
url NO String
subDir YES String
extension YES String
  • Result
Param Type Description
success String whether the file was deleted successfully
path Boolean path of the file be deleted, it's not empty if successfully removed
url String request url

Promise download(options, onProgress)

Cache a file manually.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type
url NO String
subDir YES String
extension YES String
headers YES Map<String,String>
  • onProgress Callback
Param Type Description
progress Number less than 1, always 0 if total is -1
total Boolean -1 if server not support Content-Length
current String bytes of written
url String request url
  • Result
Param Type Description
size Number the size of the file been downloaded
path Boolean path of the file
url String request url

void post(options)

delegate a background download task or create a cache with url and exists data.

  • Request Options
Option Optional Type
url NO String
headers YES Map<String,String>
subDir YES String
extension YES String
headers YES Map<String,String>
data YES String
dataType YES String

Cache Component

Option Optional Type Description
Component NO Component render component with url
PendingComponent YES Component render component during select() execution
mapToRequestOptions YES Function map component props to request options
mapToComponentProperties YES Function map select() result to component props
sourceProperty YES String name of the component property, default 'source'
invokeOnComponentErrorProperty YES String name of the callback function invoked on load error
invokeOnComponentLoadProperty YES String name of the callback function invoked on load success
sourceMapper YES Function map url to local path
onSourceMapped YES Function invoked on url accepted
onRequestError YES Function invoked on url has been checked not accessible
cacheValidator YES Function confirm the cache is valid, usually not need it


import {CacheComponent} from 'react-native-async-cache';
import {Image,View} from 'react-native';

const CacheImage =  CacheComponent(
        Component: Image,
        PendingComponent: Image,
        invokeOnComponentErrorProperty: 'onError',
        invokeOnComponentLoadProperty: 'onLoad',
        mapToRequestOptions: () => {
            return {
                subDir: 'images'
        mapToComponentProperties: (props) => {
            return {
                source: typeof props.source === 'number' ? props.source : {uri: props.source},
                errorMessage: (props.statusCode || props.message) ? props.statusCode + ' ' + (props.message || '') : null

// render component

export default class extends React.Component
        return (
            <View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: "center"}}>
                <CacheImage source={""} 				
                        width : Dimensions.get("window").width - 30,
                        height : Dimensions.get("window").height


create a CacheComponent with a memory store to reduce select() calls.

import {CacheStoreComponent} from 'react-native-async-cache';
import {Text,View,Image} from "react-native";

const CacheStoreImage =  CacheStoreComponent(
        Component: Image,
        PendingComponent: ()=>{
            return <View><Text>Loading...</Text></View>;
        invokeOnComponentErrorProperty: 'onError',
        invokeOnComponentLoadProperty: 'onLoad',
        mapToRequestOptions: () => {
            return {
                subDir: 'images'
        mapToComponentProperties: (props) => {
            return {
                source: typeof props.source === 'number' ? props.source : {uri: props.source},
                errorMessage: (props.statusCode || props.message) ? props.statusCode + ' ' + (props.message || '') : null

// render component

export default ()=>{
    return (
        <View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: "center"}}>
           <CacheStoreImage source={""} style={{
               width : Dimensions.get("window").width - 30,
               height : Dimensions.get("window").height
  • Custom StoreProvider Example
import {CacheStoreComponent, StoreProvider} from 'react-native-async-cache';
import AsyncStorage from 'react-native-async-storage';

// extend default StoreProvider

class PersistenceStoreProvider extends StoreProvider {
    access_time = 0;

    constructor(props) {
        if(this.access_time > 100){
            this.access_time = 0;
        return super.get(url);

        // call it at the right time
        // optional, call it when local file not found
        this.caches = [];

// create CacheStoreComponent

export default CacheStoreComponent({ 
    store: new PersistenceStoreProvider(),
    // ...

  • Optional cache validator

// improt fs from "react-native-fs";

// config
const config = {
    store: new PersistenceStoreProvider(),
    // ...
        if(cache && !cache.local){
        else {
               callback(exists ? cache : null);

export default CacheStoreComponent(config);
  • Advanced usage, StoreProvider interface
interface StoreProvider {
    get(url: string): string;

    set(url: string, local: string): void;

    error(url: string, code: number, message: string): void
Callback Method Description
get return nullable cache file path with url
set associate local path to url
error invoked if resource is inaccessible