React Native Basic Form
A simple React Native Form component with TextInput (including multiline), DropDown and Image fields.",
$ npm install --save react-native-basic-form
#dependencies (Reat Native CLI only < v0.16)
npm i --save react-native-vector-icons
react-native link react-native-vector-icon
Dependencies Setup (for Expo projects)
expo install @react-native-community/datetimepicker
Shows a form
import React from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import Form, {TYPES} from 'react-native-basic-form';
export default function Example(props) {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const options = [
{label:"Basic", value:1},
{label:"Premium", value:2}
//Used in EDIT MODE
const initialData = {
"image": ""
"email": "",
"password": "thispasswordisencrypted",
"account_type": 1, //Basic account, see options
"price": 20,
"about_me": "Blah blah blah.....",
"start_date": "2020-04-17T21:00:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2020-04-17T21:00:00.000Z",
const fields = [
{name: 'image', label: 'Profile Image', required: true, type: TYPES.Image},
{name: 'email', label: 'Email Address', required: true, type: TYPES.Email},
{name: 'username', label: 'Username', required: true, autoCapitalize: "none", autoCorrect: false},
{name: 'password', label: 'Password', required: true, secure: true},
{name: 'account_type', label: 'Account Type', required: true, type: TYPES.Dropdown, options: options},
{name: 'price', label: 'ENTRANCE FEE', required: true, type:TYPES.Number},
{name: 'about_me', label: 'About Me', required: true, multiline: true},
//group to appear side by side
{name: 'start_date', label: 'START DATE', required: true, type: TYPES.Date},
{name: 'end_date', label: 'END DATE', required: true, type: TYPES.Date}
async function onSubmit(data) {
async function showImagePicker() {
//return - cancelled or error or uri
//return {cancelled:true}
//return {error:"error message}
//return {uri:...}
return {error:e}
render() {
return (
title={"Register"} //this is the button title
initialData={initialData} //used in edit mode
Field Types
Type | Notes |
Text | Default |
Number | |
Dropdown | |
Image | |
Sets the keyboard to display email-address type |
Field Props
Prop | Value | Required/Optional | Description | Default |
name | string | optional | The field title | "" |
label | string | optional | The field label | "" |
required | bool | optional | Whether the field is required | false |
secure | bool | optional | Whether the value should be masked | false |
type | string | optional | The field type | TYPES.Text (see above) |
autoCapitalize | string | optional | The field auto capitalize setting | "sentences" |
autoCorrect | bool | optional | The field auto correct setting | true |
clearButtonMode | bool | optional | When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view. | never |
editable | bool | optional | If false, text is not editable. | true |
prop | value | required/optional | description | default |
title | string | optional | The button title | "Submit" |
fields | object | required | the fields to show | [] |
initialData | object | option | the initial data, can be used in EDIT mode, the keys should match the fields key | [] |
onSubmit | function | required | the function to call when the submit button is pressed | null |
showImagePicker | function | optional | the function to call when the image is tapped | null |
loading | boolean | optional | if true, button is disabled and shows a loading icon | false |
style | object | optional | the style for the container | {} |
buttonStyle | object | optional | the style for the button | {} |
keyboardShouldPersistTaps | string | optional | Determines when the keyboard should stay visible after a tap. | 'handled' |