
React Native implementation of Brightcove Player native SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeBrightcoveImaPlayer from '';



React Native implementation of Brightcove Player native SDK video player.

Brightcove SDK Version used

  • Minimum Required version of iOS is 11
  • iOS Brightcove-Player-IMA 6.10.2
  • com.brightcove.player:android-ima-plugin 6.17.3


npm install react-native-brightcove-ima-player


  • Add source to Podfile and pod install && pod update
  • Specify platform version to 11.0
source ''

platform :ios, '11.0'


allprojects {
  repositories {
      maven {
          url ''


import { BrightcoveIMAPlayer } from "react-native-brightcove-ima-player";

// ...

  • Video player component of Brightcove.
  • It may not work on Android simulator.
  • For a more detailed example, please see example app.
Prop Type Description Event Object
accountId string Brightcove AccountId. Required
policyKey string Brightcove PolicyKey. Required
videoId string Brightcove VideoId to playback.
autoPlay boolean Set true to play automatically
play boolean Control playback and pause
fullscreen boolean Control full screen state
volume number Set audio volume (0.0 ~ 1.0)
bitRate number Set maximum buffering bitrate. Set 0 to automatic quality
adVideoLoadTimeout number Set the amount of milliseconds for video to load. Default is 3000
playbackRate number Set playback speed scale. Default is 1
disableDefaultControl boolean Disable default player control. Set true when you implement own video controller.
onReady Function Indicates the video can be played back
onPlay Function Indicates the video playback starts
onPause Function Indicates the video is paused
onEnd Function Indicates the video is played to the end
onProgress Function Indicates the playback head of the video advances. { currentTime: number }
onChangeDuration Function Indicates the video length is changed { duration: number }
onUpdateBufferProgress Function Indicates the video loading buffer is updated { bufferProgress: number }
onEnterFullscreen Function Indicates the player enters full screen
onExitFullscreen Function Indicates the player exit full screen
Method Description
seekTo(timeInSeconds: number) => void Change playhead to arbitrary time


import { BrightcoveIMAPlayerPoster } from "react-native-brightcove-ima-player";

// ...

  • Displays a poster specified by videoId, referenceId or videoToken.
  • Prop is about the same as BrightcovePlayer.
Prop Type Description
accountId string Required
policyKey string Required
videoId string
referenceId string
videoToken string
resizeMode string Set the image resize method. Specifying cover or contain works the same as CSS keywords of background-size. Specifying fit, scales to fit the component size without considering aspect ratio of the image. Default value is cover.


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