
Create a project using other project and rename the folders e files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCloneProject from '';



This module allows you to clone an existing project by creating a new project.

Getting started

npm install react-native-clone-project -g


Execute on your terminal: react-native-clone-project clone `When you run the module, you fill in the name of the new project and the name of the package. At the end of the execution, you will have a new project created. Very useful for those who want to create a white label.

After finishing the cloning, perform a cache clean on the project and then run an npm run android / ios

Note: It is always good to be sure, the module is not 100% effective for all versions so always look for names of the old project in the new folder to make sure everything has been modified.`


This module was extracted from react-native-clone-project core. Please reffer to for the complete list of contributors.


The library is released under the MIT licence. For more information see LICENSE.