
Library for managing the native colors of an Android app.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeColorManager from '';



Library for managing the native colors of an Android app.

npm version npm downloads npm license


To install react-native-color-manager - you can use npm or yarn package manager.
npm install react-native-color-manager --save
react-native link react-native-color-manager


yarn add react-native-color-manager
react-native link react-native-color-manager


The react-native-color-manager library includes the ColorManager object interface that has the next methods: setStatusBarColor, setNavigationBarColor, setRecentColor. Below you can find the documentation for all methods.

Important! All colors should be provided in the hex format.

The setStatusBarColor method

Method that change the status bar color.
The setStatusBarColor method accept next arguments:
Name Type Default value Required
color string Yes
animated boolean false No
duration number 300 No

The setNavigationBarColor method

Method that change the navigation bar color.
The setNavigationBarColor method accept next arguments:
Name Type Default value Required
color string Yes
animated boolean false No
duration number 300 No

The setRecentColor method

Method that change the recent color.
The setRecentColor method accept next arguments:
Name Type Default value Required
color string Yes

The getThemeMode method

Method that reports custom theme color.
The getThemeMode method returns next value:
Type Value
string light / dark


  import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
  import { ColorManager } from 'react-native-color-manager';

  const App = () => {

    useEffect(() => {
      const needAnimation = true;
      const themeMode = ColorManager.getThemeMode();

      console.log(themeMode); // light or dark

      if (needAnimation) {
        ColorManager.setStatusBarColor('#2196F3', true, 300);
        ColorManager.setNavigationBarColor('#2196F3', true, 300);
      } else {
    }, [])

    return null;