
The aim of this library is to pass variables from Android and iOS native sides to Javascript. This is useful to know what buildType/configuration the current app is built upon.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeConfigBridge from '';



The aim of this library is to read variables from Android and iOS native config with Javascript. This can be useful, for example, to know what buildType/flavor/configuration the current app has been built upon.

Getting started

yarn add react-native-config-bridge
For RN 0.60 and upper
cd ios
pod install
For RN 0.59 and below
react-native link react-native-config-bridge


  1. Edit your android/app/build.gradle
    defaultConfig {
        buildConfigField('String', 'ENV_NAME', '"development"')
  2. Override your config field per buildType or flavor, if needed.
    buildTypes {
        release {
            buildConfigField('String', 'ENV_NAME', '"production"')
  3. Enjoy.
  1. Edit your ios/Info.plist
  2. Create a new build setting (BUILD_SETTING_NAME is a placeholder) in your target
  3. Customize the build setting for each configuration, if needed.
import RNConfig from 'react-native-config-bridge';

const envName = RNConfig.ENV_NAME;