
React native credit card input component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCreditCardSinglePage from '';


Credit Card Input form

A Component to add credit card input to your react native application. For Android & iOS.

Forked from the original project in order to improve usability and forked again to fixed a bug of image when the app try to load a image from card since users often recognize the have input a wrong card number only after typing the name, to have an horizontal form extending outside the view seems to be appealing but it's useless to come back. The only way to go on the first field (card number) in the original project was to click one by one all previous fields in order to restore the scroll axis (this could have been fixed with a scrollable=true property). Furthermore it's pretty unusual to have x-axis forms on a mobile ux and users do prefer fields that are always visible. It has also been implemented a new style form following the iOS10 design.


// fullpage with credit card flipcard
<CreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
// single-line with horizontal scrolling
<LiteCreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} /> 


  • iOS 10 form design
  • Customizable credit card that flips as you type to show credit card fields (inspired by: card, react-native-credit-card)
  • Scalable credit card
  • Lite version for smaller screens
  • Credit-card input validations & formatting as you type
  • Integrated with card-validator by braintree to display credit card type
  • Auto-focus next field as you complete correctly one
  • iOS native form design (customizable if you want to)


  • Add Android form design


npm i --save react-native-credit-card-input-fullpage

then add these lines in your react-native codebase

import { CreditCardInput, LiteCreditCardInput } from "react-native-credit-card-input";

<CreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
// or
<LiteCreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />

// Note: You'll need to enable LayoutAnimation on android to see LiteCreditCardInput's animations
// UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true);

And then on your onChange handler:

_onChange => form => console.log(form);

// will print:
  valid: true, // will be true once all fields are "valid" (time to enable the submit button)
  values: { // will be in the sanitized and formatted form
    number: "4242 4242",
    expiry: "06/19",
    cvc: "300",
    type: "visa", // will be one of [null, "visa", "master-card", "american-express", "diners-club", "discover", "jcb", "unionpay", "maestro"]
    name: "Sam",
    postalCode: "34567",
  status: {  // will be one of ["incomplete", "invalid", and "valid"]
    number: "incomplete",
    expiry: "incomplete",
    cvc: "incomplete",
    name: "incomplete", 
    postalCode: "incomplete",

// Notes: 
// cvc, name, & postalCode will only be available when the respective props is enabled (e.g. requiresName, requiresCVC)



Property Type Description
autoFocus PropTypes.bool Automatically focus Card Number field on render
onChange PropTypes.func Receives a formData object every time the form changes
onFocus PropTypes.func Receives the name of currently focused field
placeholders PropTypes.object Defaults to
{ number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" }
inputStyle Style for credit-card form's textInput
validColor PropTypes.string Color that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}"
invalidColor PropTypes.string Color that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red"
placeholderColor PropTypes.string Color that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray"


LiteCreditCardInput does not support requiresName, requiresCVC, and requiresPostalCode at the moment, PRs are welcome :party:


Property Type Description
autoFocus PropTypes.bool Automatically focus Card Number field on render
onChange PropTypes.func Receives a formData object every time the form changes
onFocus PropTypes.func Receives the name of currently focused field
labels PropTypes.object Defaults to
{ number: "CARD NUMBER", expiry: "EXPIRY", cvc: "CVC/CCV" }
placeholders PropTypes.object Defaults to
{ number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" }
cardScale PropTypes.number Scales the credit-card view.
Defaults to 1, which translates to { width: 300, height: 190 }
cardFontFamily PropTypes.string Font family for the CreditCardView, works best with monospace fonts. Defaults to Courier (iOS) or monospace (android)
cardImageFront PropTypes.number Image for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png")
cardImageFront PropTypes.number Image for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png")
labelStyle Style for credit-card form's labels
inputStyle Style for credit-card form's textInput
inputContainerStyle Style for textInput's container
Defaults to: { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: "black" }
validColor PropTypes.string Color that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}"
invalidColor PropTypes.string Color that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red"
placeholderColor PropTypes.string Color that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray"
requiresName PropTypes.bool Shows cardholder's name field
Default to false
requiresCVC PropTypes.bool Shows CVC field
Default to true
requiresPostalCode PropTypes.bool Shows postalCode field
Default to false
validatePostalCode PropTypes.func Function to validate postalCode, expects incomplete, valid, or invalid as return values



Set values into credit card form

    // sets 4242 on credit card number field
    // other fields will stay unchanged
    this.refs.CCInput.setValues({ number: "4242" });

Known issues: clearing a field e.g. setValues({ expiry: "" }) will trigger the logic to move to previous field and trigger other kind of weird side effects. PR plz


focus on to specified field

    // focus to expiry field


In the example directory, run:

npm install

react-native run-ios
# or
react-native run-android

Missing Something? Something is not working?

  • Open a GitHub issue, or
  • Send a pull request :D
  • Make sure npm run lint passed
