
A simple way to show carousels in your react native application. Complete with auto scroll and pager indicator support.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCustomCarousel from '';



npm version License: MIT

A simple way to use and display carousels in your React Native application. This comes with support for autoscrolling, stepped-scrolling and rendering a pager indicator below the carousel.


Run the following command.

npm install react-native-custom-carousel


Sample GIF


This package is a simple way to create a custom carousel that also allows auto scrolling along with traditional scrolling. You can use the renderItem prop to pass a function that renders individual items, you can also pass a function to render the pager icon at the bottom of the carousel using the renderPagerButton prop.

For Example

          data={ data }
          renderItem={ this.renderItem }
          keyExtractor={ ( item ) => item.title }
          containerStyle={ styles.carouselContainerStyle }
          userScrollEnabled={ false }
          autoScrollInterval={ 5000 }
          renderPagerButton={ ( index, currentIndex ) => {
            const opacity = index === currentIndex ? 1 : 0.5;
            return (
                style={ [{
                  width: 10,
                  height: 10,
                  borderRadius: 5,
                  backgroundColor: 'red',
                  marginHorizontal: 2,
                }, { opacity }] }
          } }
          getItemLayout={ ( dataset, index ) => {
            return { length: width, offset: width * index, index };
          } }

This renders the sample displayed above ( The full example can be found in App.js ).



  • data - An array of Objects to be used to render individual cards in the carousel.
  • renderItem - A Function that accepts an Object as a parameter. This Object contains the item and index of the current card ( Similar to how render item works in a FlatList ).
  • keyExtractor - A Function to extract the keys from the data items.
  • getItemLayout - Exactly the same as getItemLayout for FlatList.


  • userScrollEnabled - Boolean used to switch off/on the user's ability to manually scroll the carousel. ( DEFAULT: true ).
  • showPagerIndicator - Boolean used to decide whether or not the pager below the carousel is to be shown. ( DEFAULT: false ).
  • renderPagerButton - Function used to display individual pager icons. The function recieves two parameters - its own index and the index of the current card. If no function is passed for this prop the pager is by default the red circles shown in the demo.
  • containerStyle - An Object that is appended to the style of the carousel container, which can be used to adjust the styling of the overall container only not the individual cards. ( DEFAULT: {} ).
  • autoScrollEnabled - Boolean used to decide whether to auto scroll the carousel or not. ( DEFAULT: false ).
  • showsHorizontalScrollIndicator - Boolean passed to the scroll container as the showsHorizontalScrollIndicator prop. ( DEFAULT: true ).
  • autoScrollInterval - Number ( in milliseconds ) to be used as the delay between each auto scroll. ( DEFAULT: 3000 ).
  • initialScrollIndex - Number to be used as the starting index for auto scroll. ( DEFAULT: 0 ).

NOTE: By default paging is enabled on the carousel for a smooth experience, there is no way to turn it off for now.

Known Bugs

  • The view pager icon selection jumps between current and previous values during rendering.