
install by npm i react-native-custom-nav-bar

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCustomNavBar from '';


A bar for navigator.

install by npm i react-native-custom-nav-bar

add it into navigationBar when init navigator, just like :

    `  <Navigator
        sceneStyle ={styles.sub_navi_page}  />`

custom style of bar by this:

    `navigationBar=NavigationBar.render({backgroundColor: 'red'})`

then, when pushing page, can define title by:

    ` navigator.push({
        name: 'PageOne',
        component: PageOne,
        rightButton: {
          action: 'CUSTOM',
          express: 'more',
          handle: () => {},
        leftButton: {
          action: 'BACK'

there are two kinds of buttons , 'BACK' and 'CUSTOM'. when use 'BACK', the handle is auto defined as poping. when use 'CUSTOM', express can be defined as string or function, when is function, should return view,like:

    `express: () => <View />,`

change the buttons in itself, just like this:

        ` const {navigator} = this.props;
        if (navigator) {
            rightButton: {
                        showing: true
              action: 'CUSTOM',
              express: '自定义',

also can change tite. const {navigator} = this.props; if (navigator) { navigator.setState({ title: 'haha', }) }


once I using navigator.setState, all the pages will share it, which means I use navigator.setState to a page, but other pages will also use the same state. i should use something to remove it. navigator.setState({ rightButton: { showing: false }, })