
A simple way to create dynamic views through device and display detection, allowing the creation of adaptable and universal apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeDeviceDisplay from '';



A simple way to create dynamic views through device and display detection, allowing the creation of adaptable and universal apps.

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Example GIF Demo


Simply install the package as shown below...

$ npm install react-native-device-display

Next in order to access the Event Listener and Device Type methods you need to import the DisplayDeviceUtil classes into your project, these come bundled inside the NPM package.

Classes Installation Visual

Then require it in your project wherever you need it...

var Display = require('react-native-device-display');


Method Description
Display.percentage(type, value); Returns in pixels the percentage value of type width or height
Display.isTablet(); Returns true if the the device is a tablet (e.g iPad)
Display.isPhone(); Returns true if the the device is a phone (e.g iPhone)
Display.isPortrait(); Returns true if the the device is in a portrait position
Display.isLandscape(); Returns true if the the device is in a landscape position
Display.onOrientationChange(handler) Triggers the handler call-back when the orientation changes



Width in pixels of the display


Height in pixels of the display


Simple Implementation (without Event Listener)...

var Display = require('react-native-device-display');

var testing = React.createClass({

  render: function() {
    if (Display.isPhone() && Display.isPortrait()) {
      return (
        //Portrait Phone View...
    } else if (Display.isPhone() && Display.isLandscape()) {
      return (
        //Landscape Phone View...
    } else if (Display.isTablet() && Display.isPortrait()) {
      return (
        //Portrait Tablet View...
    } else if (Display.isTablet() && Display.isLandscape()) {
      return (
        //Landscape Tablet View...

With Event Listener...

var Display = require('react-native-device-display');

var listener;

var testing = React.createClass({

  componentDidMount: function() {
    listener = Display.onOrientationDidChange(function() {
      //Change States, Perform Magic, etc...

  componentWillUnmount: function() {
    //Unlisten the onOrientationChange...
    listener = null;
