
React native bridge for DevToDev

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeDevtodev from '';



React Native bridge to the DevToDev( on Android. Not all methods is supported yet


  1. npm install --save react-native-devtodev
  2. react-native link react-native-devtodev


import DevToDev from 'react-native-devtodev';

// Initialize the library
DevToDev.init('APP_ID', 'SECRET_KEY');

// Method allows to initialize the user. It applies when SDK initialization or user relogin.
DevToDev.setUserId(activeUserId: string);

// Method sets the current user level. Using this method allows to actualize the SDK user data in game cross-platform applications.
DevToDev.setCurrentLevel(currentLevel: number);

// Custom event with params object
DevToDev.customEvent(eventName: string, { [string]: string | number });

// Player has reached a new level
DevToDev.levelUp(level: number);