Table of contents
A simple alert to notify users about new chat messages, something went wrong or everything is ok. It can be closed by tap, cancel button, automatically with closeInterval
, pan responder up gesture or programmatically.
react-native version | package version | reason |
0.50.0 | >=3.2.0 | Added SafeAreaView (iPhone X) |
0.44.0 | >=2.12.0 | Added ViewPropTypes |
npm i react-native-dropdownalert --save
// ...
import DropdownAlert from 'react-native-dropdownalert';
export default class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
fetchData = async () => {
try {
await fetch('');
} catch (error) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('error', 'Error', error.message);
render() {
return (
// !!! Make sure it is the last component in your document tree.
<DropdownAlert ref={ref => this.dropdown = ref} />
- Modals can overlap DropdownAlert if it's not inside the modal's document tree.
- It is important you place the
ABOVE theStackNavigator
Name | Type | Description | Default |
closeInterval |
Number | dismiss alert at a certain time in milliseconds | 4000 |
imageSrc |
String or Number | local or network source for custom alert type | null |
infoImageSrc |
String or Number | local or network source for info alert type | require('./assets/info.png') |
warnImageSrc |
String or Number | local or network source for warn alert type | require('./assets/warn.png') |
errorImageSrc |
String or Number | local or network source for error alert type | require('./assets/error.png') |
successImageSrc |
String or Number | local or network source for success alert type | require('./assets/success.png') |
startDelta |
Number | where the container starts (changes based on container height onLayout) | -100 |
endDelta |
Number | where the container ends | 0 |
onClose |
Function | Invoked when alert is closed Returns: data = {type, title, message, action} |
null |
cancelBtnImageSrc |
String or Number | local or network source | require('./assets/cancel.png') |
titleNumOfLines |
Number | number of lines | 1 |
messageNumOfLines |
Number | number of lines | 3 |
onCancel |
Function | Cancel button action. Returns: data = {type, title, message, action} |
null |
showCancel |
Bool | whether or not to show cancel button | false |
tapToCloseEnabled |
Bool | enable/disable close with tap | true |
panResponderEnabled |
Bool | enable/disable close with pan responder | true |
replaceEnabled |
Bool | enables the alert to either state change without dismissal or go to next alert with dismissal | true |
translucent |
Bool | StatusBar prop | false |
useNativeDriver |
Bool | enable/disable native driver for animations. For android platform, in some older React Native versions, enable useNativeDriver can cause some problems. See #65 | true (iOS) / false (Android) |
updateStatusBar |
Bool | whether or not to update status bar styles | true |
activeStatusBarStyle |
String | StatusBar barStyle when alert is open | light-content |
activeStatusBarBackgroundColor |
String | StatusBar backgroundColor when alert is open | It takes on the backgroundColor of alert if predefined else default or provided prop |
inactiveStatusBarStyle |
String | StatusBar barStyle when alert dismisses | StatusBar._defaultProps.barStyle.value |
inactiveStatusBarBackgroundColor |
String | StatusBar backgroundColor when alert dismisses | StatusBar._defaultProps.backgroundColor.value |
wrapperStyle |
Object | styles for the view that wraps the container. For React Native Web support you might want to set this to { position: 'fixed' } |
null |
containerStyle |
Object | styles for container for custom type only | { padding: 16, flexDirection: 'row' } |
zIndex |
Number | zIndex attribute on outermost container | null |
titleStyle |
Object | styles for title for all types | { fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'left', fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'transparent' } |
messageStyle |
Object | styles for message for all types | { fontSize: 14, textAlign: 'left', fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'transparent' } |
imageStyle |
Object | styles for image for all types | { padding: 8, width: 36, height: 36, alignSelf: 'center' } |
cancelBtnImageStyle |
Object | styles for image for all types | { padding: 8, width: 36, height: 36, alignSelf: 'center' } |
successColor |
String | Default background color of success message | #32A54A |
infoColor |
String | Default background color of info message | #2B73B6 |
warnColor |
String | Default background color of warn message | #cd853f |
errorColor |
String | Default background color of error message | #cc3232 |
elevation |
Number | Animated.View elevation | 1 |
sensitivity |
Number | Sensitivity for the pan responder up gesture | 20 |
defaultContainer |
Object | Style for inner view container (override paddingTop with this) | { padding: 8, paddingTop: IS_ANDROID ? 0 : 20, flexDirection: 'row' } |
defaultTextContainer |
Object | Style for inner text container (holds title and message) | { flex: 1, padding: 8 } |
renderImage |
Function | Use to override the left image component | undefined |
renderCancel |
Function | Use to override the cancel button component | undefined |
renderTitle |
Function | Use to override the title component | undefined |
renderMessage |
Function | Use to override the message component | undefined |
testID |
String | Top level TouchableOpacity's testID | undefined |
accessibilityLabel |
String | Top level TouchableOpacity's accessibilityLabel | undefined |
accessible |
Boolean | Top level TouchableOpacity's accessible | false |
titleTextProps |
Object | title text props. does not override numOfLines (use titleNumOfLines) | undefined |
messageTextProps |
Object | message text props. does not override numOfLines (use messageNumOfLines) | undefined |
Inspired by: RKDropdownAlert