Add the dependency:
npm i react-native-duo-toggle-switch
Peer Dependencies
IMPORTANT! You need install them
"react": ">= 16.x.x",
"react-native": ">= 0.55.x",
"react-native-androw": ">= 0.0.34",
"react-native-material-ripple": ">= 0.9.1"
import DuoToggleSwitch from "react-native-duo-toggle-switch";
Basic Usage
<DuoToggleSwitch />
Configuration - Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
width | number | string | 40% |
height | number | string | 35 |
buttonWidth | number | string | 85 |
buttonHeight | number | string | 35 |
borderRadius | number | 50 | change the border radius |
firstText | string | Map | set the first button's (left one) text |
secondText | string | List | set the second button's (right one) text |
activeColor | string | #FBA928 | change the button's background color when it is active or pressed |
inactiveColor | string | #fff | change the button's background color when it is inactive or pressed |
activeTextColor | string | #f1f1f1 | change the button's text color when it is active or pressed |
inactiveTextColor | string | #757575 | change the button's text color when it is active or pressed |
backgroundColor | string | #fff | change the whole background color |
shadowColor | string | #000 | change the shadow color |
shadowStyle | style | default | set your own shadow style for the toggle switch |
onPressPrimary | function | null | set your own onPress logic for first(primary) button |
onPressSecondary | function | null | set your own onPress logic for second(secondary) button |
Future Plans
LICENSE- Color Change Animation
- Write an article about the lib on Medium
React Native Duo Toggle Switch is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.