A package for authenticating to AWS EKS clusters using IAM authentication from within a React Native environment without access to Node.js core modules.
$ npm install --save react-native-eks-auth
getBearerToken(clusterName, credentials)
This generates a bearer token which can then be used in the Authorization
header of Kubernetes RESTful API requests to EKS clusters.
Example Usage
import { getBearerToken } from 'react-native-eks-auth';
import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob';
const apiFetch = async () => {
const credentials = {
accessKeyId: '<your-access-key-id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your-secret-access-key>',
const token = getBearerToken('<cluster name>', credentials);
const authHeader = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
const res = await RNFetchBlob.config({
trusty: true, /* prevents self-signed certificate rejection */
.fetch('GET', 'https://<endpoint><api path>', authHeader);
return res.json();
Your AWS credentials (which can be found in your AWS console) are specified as the second argument in an object:
getBearerToken(clusterName, {
accessKeyId: '<your-access-key-id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your-secret-access-key>',