
Graphics library to improve programming with React-Native

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeEstylo from '';




Make sure that you are using babel 6 for version 1.2.0 or adove.

npm install react-native-estylo

Getting started

In your index.ios.js file require react-native-estylo component:

var Estylo = require('react-native-estylo');

or, if you use ES2015 syntax:

import Estylo from 'react-native-estylo';



To use the Button insert <Estylo.Button>. Example:

var ExampleApp = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
        <View style = {[ { alignItems: 'center', flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center',} ]}>
          <Estylo.Button size = 'small' backgroundColor = '#286090' textColor = "#fff" >
            Size Small
          <Estylo.Button size = 'default' >
            Size Default
          <Estylo.Button size = 'large' backgroundColor = '#5cb85c' textColor = '#fff' >
            Size Large
          <Estylo.Button size = 'block' backgroundColor = '#f0ad4e' textColor = '#fff' >
            Size Block
          <Estylo.Button size = 'full' backgroundColor = '#d9534f' textColor = '#fff' >
            Size Full

react-native-estylo button_size demo

Props name Type Description
backgroundColor String Color Button.
size String Used to set the size of the button ( small, default, large, block and full ). For an example look at the code and the image shown above.
styleButton Object, Array Used to customize the button.
styleText Object, Array Used to customize the text.
textColor String Color Text.
width String Is used to set the length of the button, you can set a percentage or a number in pixels.


To use the NavBar insert <Estylo.NavBar />. Example:

var ExampleApp = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    const titleLeftConfig = {
      text: 'Back',
      color: '#fff',
      onPress: () => alert('Press Back'),
    const titleCenterConfig = {
      text: 'Title',
      color: '#fff',
      onPress: () => alert('Press Title'),
    const titleRightConfig = {
      text: 'Next',
      color: '#fff',
      onPress: () => alert('Press Next'),
    return (
        <View style = {[ { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center' } ]}>
            backgroundColor = '#2a8cd5'
            titleLeft = { titleLeftConfig }
            titleCenter = { titleCenterConfig }
            titleRight = { titleRightConfig }
            stausBarHidden = { false } />

react-native-estylo NavBar demo

Props name Type Description
backgroundColor String Color NavBar.
statusBarHidden String If set to true Toggle the StatusBarIOS instead if set to false mosta bar StatusBarIOS.

titleLeftConfig / TitleCenterConfig / TitleRightConfig

Here are the configurations for titleLeftConfig, titleCenterConfig and titleRightConfig:

Props name Type Description
color String Color Text.
onPress Function Function that is called onPress.
onPressIn Function Function that is called onPressIn.
onPressOut Function Function that is called onPressOut.
onLongPress Function Function that is called onLongPress.
style Object, Array Used to customize the text.
text String Text Title.


To use the TextInput insert <Estylo.TextInput />. Example:

var ExampleApp = React.createClass({
  render: function() {  
    return (
        <View style = {[ { flex: 1 } ]}>
            class = 'default'
            placeholder = 'Default' />
            class = 'inline'
            label = 'Class'
            placeholder = 'Inline'
            value = { this.state.textInline } />
            class = 'stacked'
            label = 'Class'
            onChangeText = { ( value ) => this.setState({ textStacked: value }) }
            placeholder = 'Stacked'
            value = { this.state.textStacked } />

react-native-estylo TextInput demo

Props name Type Description
class String Customize TextInput favors class set ( default, inline and stacked ). For an example look at the code and the image shown above.
label String It needs to add a label to the left of the input element.
onChangeText Function Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
placeholder String The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered.
value String The value to show for the text input.